Oct |
Community Notices
Classes for Parents
The following classes for parents will start in Glenties
Comprehensive School. Places are available on all the
courses being offered. Other courses will be organised
after Christmas.
Introduction to Junior Certificate Maths. This will be a
six-week course, starting on Tuesday the 5th of November,
from 8 - 9:30 p.m.
Introduction to Junior Certificate English.
This course starts on Thursday, November the 7th, from 7:30
- 9:30 p.m., and is a six-week course.
Living with Teenagers.
This will be another six-week course, starting on
Tuesday, November the 5th, from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
To register contact Anne Gallagher, Home School Community
Liaison, at 075-51172.
Hallowe'en Drama
The Donegal Workshop Theatre will run a special
Hallowe'en Drama Workshop for National School children,
both members and visitors, on Friday the first of
November from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. in the Ardara Community
Centre. All are welcome. Bring along your spooky masks,
cloaks, and face-paints!
Mass and Healing Service in Rossnowlagh
This service will be held on Sunday the 3rd of November.
A bus will leave Divers' at 1:30 p.m. that day. Please
book your seat at Divers' newsagents.
Annual Service for the Dead
The annual service and prayers in Kiltighearna will be
held next Sunday, the 3rd of November at 2:30 p.m., and
in Kilcashel on the following Sunday, November the 10th,
at 2:30 p.m.
Civil Defence
Leave your name at Divers' newsagents if you are
interested in classes in Civil Defence. Classes will be
held if enough interest is shown.
Downstrands Women's Group
A computer course comprised of digital photography and
desk-top publihing will commence on the 7th of November
from 7 - 9 p.m. in the Women's Resource Centre,
Kilclooney (old school).Come along and learn to use a
digital camera and increase your knowledge. This six-week
course is open to men and women. Fees will cost 30.
A course in soft furnishings ( curtains, cushions,
pelmets, tie-backs etc.) will commence on Wednesday the 6th
of November from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. There are some
places available in this class, though the Monday evening
class is fully booked. Fees will cost 20.
Phone 075-45368 for details of both course, or to
register, before Saturday the 2nd of November. Both
course are supported by the Adult Education Service of
the V.E.C., Donegal town, which is dedicated to providing
low cost educational courses to the community.
Ardara Show A.G.M.
One of the most successful years on record, but with the
prospect of a worrying time ahead. That was the the
overall message from the October AGM of the Ardara Show
Society, when members heard that there was a question
mark hanging over the traditional 'home' of the show with
the field currently on the open market.There was a
detailed discussion as to whether there was a viable
alternative within the parish, with Sandfield being
suggested as one likely area, although the distance from
the town and road access were seen as just two of many
problems which would result from such a switch. The
matter is to be monitored and a more detailed evaluation
considered at the next committee meeting.
In his annual report the outgoing secretary, Niall Heena,
said that following the threat of foot and mouth last
year and the subsequent cancellation of the show, it had
been feared that it might be difficult to gain the
required level of sponsorship and advertising in 2002,
although he had been heartened by the eventual response.
The show office had been open for 10 days, and he thanked
Karen Heena and Ciara Mooney for their work, and Teague
and Eileen Breslin for the use of the office. The wet
weather leading up to show day had made the outcome of
the event appear doubtful, but with stone laid by Pat
Gavigan for entrance roadways, and a change in weather
conditions, the event was particularly successful. He
said a decision to allow only essential traffic on to the
showfield was taken. The show committee was very pleased,
the secretary said, to have Mary Coughlan T.D., Minister
for Family and Social Affairs, to open the event. Also
present was Mr Paddy Joe Foy, Chairman of the Irish Shows
In his annual report the outgoing show chairman, Mr Joe
Gallagher, thanked everyone involved in the running of
the Ardara Show, and the huge crowd which attended. While
the weather was responsible for a downturn in flower and
vegetable classes, all entries in the marquee and
showfield were of a particularly high standard. Treasurer
John Couzens said that the large crowd had resulted in
one of the highest gate receipts on record with a good
profit being recorded. However, he urged that a financial
sub-committee should be established to look at new ways
of raising funds.
A new committee was elected as follows : chairperson,
Marie Mooney; vice-chairperson, Cllr. Terence Slowey;
joint-secretaries, Siobhan Heena and Aoife Mooney;
assistant secretary, Niall Heena; treasurer, John
Couzens; assistant treasurer, Mary Couzens; PRO, Donal
Community Centre Meeting
A meeting willbe held in the Ardara Community Centre at 9
p.m. on Monday the 4th of November. All groups who use
the Community Centre are requested to send one or two
representatives of their group to the meeting. All are
Top of page
Oct |
Community Notices
The Late Peggy McGill.
The death of Peggy McGill, nee Byrne, occurred at Good
Hope Hospital, Birmingham, recently. Aged eighty-two
years, she was born in St John's Point, Dunkineely. On
her marriage to Barney McGill of Aighe ( better-known as
'the shoemaker'), she moved to Ardara where she lived all
her life. She went to live with her daughter, Suzie
Whitehead, in England only three years ago, and enjoyed
returning to spend her summers in Ardara. During the past
summer, she became ill whilst staying in Ardara and was
moved to Good Hope Hospital, where she later died. Her
death was learned with deep regret in the area, where she
was much loved by everyone. She was the last surviving
family-member of her generation. Requiem Mass was
celebrated in the Church of the Holy Family, Ardara, and
burial took place in the adjoining cemetery. She is
survived by her sons, Jimmy, Alaska, Frank, Birmingham,
John B., Belfast, her daughters, Suzie Whitehead,
Birmingham, Bridie Jung, Arizona, her daughters-in-law,
sons-in-law, sister-in-law, nieces, nephews,
grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Sandfield Pitch and Putt.
A competition started on the 19th of October and will run
until the 10th of November. There are many prizes to be
won by both male and female competitors, over and under
sixteen years of age.For further information call 075-41344,
or call at the course office. All are welcome to join in.
'Dancing at Lughanasa'
Brian Friel's play, 'Dancing at Lughanasa', is being
staged in An Grianan Theatre, Letterkenny, from Thursday
the 24th of October at 8 p.m., and will continue nightly
until Saturday the 2nd of November, there being no show
on Sunday. For details call 074-20777.
Computer Course
Would you like to do a computer course? The Kilclooney
Dolmen Centre is recruiting for its next computer course,
due to start late October, or early November. The course
includes local history research and video training. A
training allowance is paid. For further information, call
075-45966, or 075-45010, or call at the Dolmen Centre,
Pioneers Association
The Pioneers' Total Abstinence Association are holding
their annual supper-dance in the Central Bar, Ardara, on
Wednesday October the 30th. Music will be by the Country
Traditions and there will be dancing from 10 p.m. until 1
a.m. Supper will be served from 9 - 10 p.m. Admission
will be 5. and all are very welcome.
Classes in Civil Defence
Anyone interested in a course on Civil Defence is asked
to leave their name at the Ardara Post Office. Winter
classes will proceed if thee are sufficient numbers of
interested people.
The Paddy McGill Memorial Lecture
The title of the Paddy McGill Memorial Lecture, on the 25th
of October at 8:00 p.m., will be 'The Great Famine in
Ardara - 1841-1851.' It will be held in the Nesbitt Arms
Hotel. The speaker will be Professor Brendan MacSuibhne,
a native of Beagh, and presently lecturing in the
University of Notre Dame, Indiana.
Top of page
Oct |
Community Notices
Opportunities for Farm Families
The first of a series of TEAGASC meetings on
'Opportunities for Farm Families' was held in the Dolmen
Centre, Kilclooney, on Wednesday the 9th of October.The
speakers from TEAGASC, who addressed the meeting, were
Jimmy Scott and Christy McCafferty. They outlined the
programme they were offering, which will include all
aspects of the opportunities and weaknesses entailed in
farming at the present time. Some of the items which will
be discussed include : changes in farm enterprises,
systems of production, technical farm efficiency,
financial management, off-farm employment, supplementary
farm enterprises, forestry, REPS, farm retirement
schemes, etc. Certain household viability concerns will
also be discussed : current farm income, lack of labour,
debt, capacity of the farm to give an adequate living in
the future, standards of living, etc.
The meetings will take place in the Dolmen Centre each
Wednesday night at 8:30 p.m. Speaking at the next meeting
on the 16th of October will be Nancy Moore, on
'Inheiritance and Succession' and the 'Early Retirement
Scheme'. Gavan Connolly will speak on LEADER Grants and
Farm Assist. Anyone involved in farming is invited to the
Sinn Fein
Ardara Sinn Féin are holding their AGM in the Nesbitt
Arms Hotel on Sunday the 20th October at 4.30 p.m. New
members are welcome.
Downstrands Women's Group
Places are available in a soft furnishings (curtains,
pelmets, tie-backs etc.) class on Wednesday mornings from
11 a.m. till 1 p.m. in the Downstrands Women's Centre.
Contact Sally at 075-45368 for further information.
Friends of Letterkenny Hospital
The church gate collection in Ardara amounted to 624 euro
and 50 cent. The organization would like to thank all
those who helped with the collection and everyone who
contributed so generously.
Information Day
An information day on services for persons with a
physical disability, visual or hearing impairment will be
held in the Millpark Hotel, Donegal town, on Thursday the
24th of October from 2-8p.m. Admission is free and all
are welcome.
F.A.S. Scheme
General workers are required for a F.A.S. community
employment scheme in the Narin/Portnoo area, which
includes the Dolmen Centre. Applications should be made
to the Dolmen Centre at 075-45010 or to F.A.S. at 075-31211.
The latest date for submissions to this years Dearcadh is
Saturday the 19th of October.
Swimming Cancelled
There will be no swimming for the local group in the Mill
Park Hotel this week. Any inconvenience is regretted.
Details are available from 075-41496.
Ardara Show Society A.G.M.
The Annual General Meeting of the Ardara Show Society
takes place next Friday, the 18th of October, at 9:00 p.m.
in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel. With matters of importance to
be discussed, it is vital that all those interested in
the future of the Show should be there.
Community Centre
An important meeting regarding the future of the
Community Centre will be held on Monday the 21st of
October at 8:30 p.m. At least one representative from all
the groups who use the Centre, is urged to attend.
Irish Classes
Parish Council Irish classes for beginners commenced on
Monday the 14th of October, from 7:30 - 9 p.m., in the
Community Centre. The fee is 5. per night and the
classes are being led by Finbar Boyle. For further
information, contact 075-41518.
County Council Briefing Report to
Parish Council
At the October meeting in the Community Centre on October
the 9th, Francis Coyle and Karen McCormack from the
Community and Enterprise Department of Donegal County
Council presented a report on County Council projects
within the parish. Landowners are still responsible for
maintenance of hedges and verges on public roads
bordering their land. Road lining and cats' eyes will
complete the improvements on the Nick Road, Doohill
requires a second coat of tarmac, lining, and cats' eyes,
improvements to the Kilraine section are well underway.
There will be a submission to the 2003 EU Co-financed
scheme for further works on the Ardaghey road. Counciller
Slowey said that funding for the re-surfacing of 1.5 km
at Carrickacleave was available, but that Castledoherty,
Monargan, and Cronkeerin would be on next years list.
Some Council support would probably be available for the
lining and lighting of the car park at the Church of the
Holy Family, since it was used by the public.
The anticipated programme for the Ardara Sewage Scheme is
as follows : approval of the foreshore licence is
expected in November 2002, tendering of the Civil
Contract in January 2003, proceeding to the tender of the
Mechanical and Electrical contract when it has been
approved by the Department of the Environment and Local
Government. The sewage scheme is the key to further
development of the town.The up-grading of the Ardara
Water Supply is expected to be completed early next year.
The Millennium sculpture, accepted by the County Council
as an excellent one, poses a problem in that there is no
provision for a water supply to the proposed location of
the sculpture.
The housing on Herrons Field is now complete, and,
pending a flood survey of the river, the remaining land
will be used for a car park, a community playgroup, a
playground, serviced retail sites, and a river walk. It
is crucial to find out the effects on the town of any
works on the river, which would minimise the effects of
flooding. An application has been made on behalf of the
Ardara Parish Council to the International Fund for
Ireland for the river walk and footbridge elements of the
The County Council's proposal to construct 20 houses on
Molloy's field is in planning. The Council's Housing
team, the N.W.H.B., and the St Vincent de Paul design
consultants are working on an integrated development for
Molloy's Field, incorporating the following : social
housing, Sheltered Housing (St V. de Paul ), a Health
Centre, and pedestrian access to Main St. The
difficulties of the different levels in the field, and
also the introduction of different requirements of the
Dept of the Environment concerning social housing had
delayed developments in this field, but planning for the
Health Centre and Sheltered Housing has been applied for.
Ardara is one of the fourteen second-tier towns
identified in the County Donegal Development Plan, and as
such is eligible for funding under the Urban and Village
Renewal Programme. Herrons Field, the Sewage Scheme, and
the re-planting of trees on the Diamond are envisaged as
priorities under this scheme. Under the Town Renewal
Scheme, 27 of the 30 sites for which incentives were
sought, received designation. The deadline for completion
of applications is December 2003. Preliminary
certification is not a guarantee that final certification
will be granted.
The self-help and voluntary effort evidenced by the Tidy
towns movement in Ardara, was important to drawing down
funding from the County Council in support of the Tidy
Town Committee. Under the Derelict Sites Act, the County
Council can ask for action where a building is a health
or a safety hazard.
Ardara may be accepted as a pilot project in a County
Council research project on providing a library service
to smaller communities.
Parish Council Meeting
The treasurer reported a balance of 4744.79. The
Community Centre roof is in need of repair, and there are
no funds to pay for this necessary work. A meeting with
representatives from all groups using the Centre was
proposed for October the 21st to address this problem,
and it is hoped that additional support from the
community will improve the situation. There will be a
renewal at the next Parish Council meeting of the sub-committees
working under the umbrella of the Parish Council. These
committees are : Tidy Towns, Walking Festival, Library,
Employment, and Millennium Committees. Jack Maguire,
chairman of the Tidy Towns Committee, wished to thank the
out-going Parish Council committee, the florists in the
town, the Ulsterbank, the Management Committee of the
Monargan Group Water Scheme, Paddy Joe Breslin, Adrian
Concarr, Owen Byrne, who provided the materials and
expertise necessary to the metal support structure on the
bridge. He also wished to thank those who had subscribed
to the church gate collection. He felt that the efforts
of many in the town had been let down by the indifference
of a few people. Kenneth Boyle made the point that many
new houses had exits onto public roads, without the
proper drainage gulleys to ensure that floodwaters did
not flow onto the road. Francis Coyle stated that County
Council money was soon to be made available for an
enforcement officer in the planning department, which
would help to rectify this situation. Counciller Slowey
outlined the benefits of improved surfacing of L.I.S.
roads, where there were at least two farmhouses on the
road. Applications for re-surfacing of these roads should
be in as soon as possible. Apply to Counciller Slowey for
advice, and application forms. The next Parish Council
meeting will take place on Monday the 11th of November.
Dolmen Centre Fashion Show
The Dolmen Centre is hosting its third annual fashion
show on Thursday the 24th of October. Don't miss an
opportunity to view the latest fashions from Magee of
Donegal, The Cope, Dungloe, The Closet, Letterkenny, Tots
'n Tassels, Donegal, Source, Donegal, and Kieran
Gallagher's 'A' Sports, Narin. Contact the Centre at 075-45010
for tickets.
Badminton has resumed at the Dolmen Centre for all ages :
Seniors - Mondays 8 p.m.; National school children -
Tuesdays 7 - 8 p.m.; Senors - Thursdays 9 p.m.; second
level students - Fridays 7 - 9 p.m.
Drumboghill Lunula
On display at the Dolmen Centre is a replica of the
'Lunula' found at Drumboghill. It is one of the best of
its kind ever found and is a very significant
archaeological treasure. Call and see what your ancestors
were capable of making!
Lough Hill Hospice Coffee Morning
Bríd O'Donnell would like to thank all those who joined
her for a coffee morning in aid of the Donegal Hospice.
The amount raised was 291.
Boys' Name Quiz
Laura Cunningham has announced the winners in the Boys'
Name Quiz she organised to help Ardara St Connall's
Church repair funds. First prize of 20. was
awarded to George Donnelly, Ramelton, second prize of
10 to Jean Thomas, Donegal town, and third prize
of 5. to K. Gallagher, Glenties.
of page
Oct |
Community Notices
Ardara Show Facing a
Challenging Year
Despite this years show being the most successful for a
number of years, the next twelve months could prove
particularly challenging for this top Donegal Livestock
and Craft event. While fine weather for Show Day on
Saturday the 10th of August ensured that there was a
record attendance, people attending the Show's A.G.M.
will hear that a big question mark hangs over the future
of its traditional show-field 'home' on the outskirts of
the town.
The field has been on the market for several months and
although it is understood that it has not yet been sold,
the eventual outcome could cause upheaval for an event
which has taken place in the same location for numerous
years. In additi0on the out-going committee feel that
additional personnel must become involved to inject new
ideas and to progress the show forwards. Therefore all
those interested in the future of the show are asked to
attend the A.G.M., which takes place at the Nesbitt Arms
Hotel on Friday the 18th of October at 9 p.m.
Ardara Parish Council
The monthly meeting of the Parish Council will be held in
the Community Centre on Wednesday the 9th of October at 9
p.m. sharp. Francis Coyle and Karen McCormick from the
Community and Enterprise Department of the Donegal County
Council will be in attendance. All are welcome.
Swimming Classes
Swimming classes for children which were due to start
last week, will now begin on Monday the 14th of October.
For details ring 075-41296.
Breaking the Cycle
Oral Irish classes for children (8-12 years) will start
in the Methodist Hall from 7-8:30 p.m. on Monday evenings.
Irish Classes for Adults
Irish language classes for adults only, are taking place
in Meentinadea School on Monday evenings from 8-10 p.m.
Bowling Club
Bowls resumes on Sunday the 6th of October in the
Community Centre at 8:30 p.m. New mwmbers are welcome.
Supper Dance
You are reminded that tickets for the Glenties
Church of Ireland annual supper dance may be purchased at
Margaret Porter's flower-shop. The supper and dance will
be in the Highland Hotel on the 18th of October.
Inflatable Fun at the Community Centre
Grianan Leisure Ltd are endeavouring to provide quality
entertainment for children aged between two and fourteen.
This company has invested heavily in high quality
inflatables such as bouncing castles, obstacle courses,
fun runs, and bouncy boxing. So this Sunday on the 13th
of October, this great show will be at the Community
Centre from 12 mid-day until 6 p.m. Come along for the
craic and support this alternative to Sunday afternoon
television, for the kids.
The Late Margaret Gallagher
The community extends its sympathy to John Francis
Gallagher, whose sister, the late Margaret Gallagher of
Glenties, was recently buried in Glenties parish.
Top of page
Oct |
Community Notices
Irish Classes
The Parish Council are now in a position to hold an Irish
Class one evening a week for 10 weeks, subject to a
minimum of 15 people. For further details call (075)
41518 evenings after 7pm.
The West Coast Cormorants Swimming Club
Swimming commences for the Letterkenny swimming sessions
on 7th October 2002 for children 7 years plus.
Application forms are available in the Present Day
stationery shop.They must be returned by Thursday 3rd
October to the same shop.Any parents of a child attending
the swimming sessions will be most welcome to the next
meeting of the swimming club to find out more about how
the club is run. The next meeting will take place in the
Highlands Hotel, Glenties on Thursday the 3rd of October
at 8 p.m.
Ardara Community Library
Fom October the 5th , opening times for the library will
be from 7 - 8:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and from 10:30 a.m. -12:30
p.m. on Saturdays. The library is a busy place with
increasing numbers of borrowers and books, and it is a
joy to see young people helping in the library and making
good use of it as readers. If you have some free time and
would like to help in the library once, or possibly
twice, a month, then contact Mary at 075-41741.
Ladies G.A.A
The Ardara Ladies' Club organised a bus to Croke Park
last Sunday to support the Donegal team in the All-Ireland
Final. Though the final result was a little disappointing
for the Donegal supporters, everyone enjoyed the day out.
Shauna Sweeney represented Ardara in the Donegal U12's
team, which played against the Galway U 12's, in the mini-game
at half time. Shauna, who played in goal, was happy to be
a member of the winning team.
The Late Benny Boyle
The death occurred after a short illness of Benny Boyle,
Tullycleave, Ardara, in Letterkenny General Hospital on
the 20th of September, 2002. Benny was aged forty-eight
years and was the third son of Maggie and Barney Boyle,
with whom he lived in Tullycleave. He was a very friendly
man and loved meeting people. A large number of people
attended his wake in the family home, including Benny's
friends from St Agnes Resource Centre for People with
Special Needs, Donegal, and Cillaoibhinn, Killymard, and
the Ardara Resource Centre in the Wood Rd. The funeral
took place at the Church of the Holy Family and the Very
Rev Canon Austin Laverty officiated. Benny will be sadly
missed by his family and friends.
He is survived by his parents, Barney and Maggie Boyle,
Tullycleave, his sister, Mary Catterson, Castlefinn, his
brothers, Ian, London, Martin, Dublin, Patrick,
Tullycleave, and Gerard, Tullycleave, his brother-in-law,
Fergal Catterson, his sisters-in-law, Roseleen, Jean,
Marian and Anne, his uncle, Thomas Boyd, Lackaduff, his
aunts Lizzie McNelis, Carrick, and Bella Patterson,
Strabane, and his many nieces and nephews, and other
members of his extended family circle.
The Late Mary Boyle
The death occurred suddenly of Mary Boyle (nee Watters),
on the 17th of September at her home in the Narin Rd,
Glenties, at the age of eighty-nine years. The funeral
took place at St Connell's Church, Glenties on Thursday
the 19th of September, with Fr Nigel O'Gallchóir and Fr
Maurice McGill officiating. Mary was born and raised in
Meentinadea, the eldest of thirteen children, of whom
only two are still living - Teresa Breslin, Ardconnell,
Ardara, and Bridget McGroarty, Birmingham. Mary moved to
Glenties on her marriage to Charlie Boyle. She lived and
worked for her family, being very fond of her
grandchildren and maternal and protective of everyone she
met. She missed her husband greatly since his recent
She was pre-deceased by her husband, Charlie Boyle, in
December 2001, and by her son, Neil, in January 1984, and
by her grand-daughter, Doireann, in December, 1994. She
is survived by her daughters, Helena Dooley, Glenties,
Rose Boyle, Burtonport, Mary Mac Carthaigh, Portnoo,
Bernie McGill, Aighe, Ardara, her sons, James, Glenties,
and Charlie, Dublin, her sons- and daughters-in-law,
twenty-seven grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren.
She will be sadly missed by her family and friends.
Ante-Natal Classes
Ante-natal classes are commencing on the 7th of October
at 7 p.m. in the Glenties Day Centre, Dr McCloskey
Crescent. No appointments are necessary, and enquiries
may be addressed to Michelle Cunningham, Public Health
Nurse at 075-51329.
X-Ray Fundraising
A fundraising barn dance will be held for the Killybegs
Hospital X-ray unit, in the Central Hotel, Donegal town
on the 7th of October. Music will be by the 'Country
Traditions' and dancing will be from 10:30 p.m. until 1 a.m.
Admission costs 5.
Piped TV Subscribers
The annual fee of 25. is now due. The arrangements
for payment are as usual.
Mass and Healing Service in Rossnowlagh
A bus will leave Divers at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday the 6th of
October for the Mass and Healing Service in Rossnowlagh.
Children with Learning Difficulties
A talk on neuro-development therapy and sound therapy,
relating to children with learning difficulties, will
take place on Saturday the 5th of Octiober at 2 p.m. in
the Mt Errigal Hotel, Letterkenny. All are welcome.
Children's Swimming in Donegal
Swimming sessions for children resume in Donegal town on
Monday the 7th of October. Phone 075-41296 or 087 2452979
for further information.
Supper Dance
The Glenties Church of Ireland are holding a supper dance
in the Highland Hotel on the 18th of October. Tickets
cost 12 and are available from Ella Long at
Margaret Porter's flower shop in Ardara as from Monday
October the 7th, or you may pay at the door on the 18th.
The Glenties C. of I. parishioners have an enviable
reputation for the standard at which they cater for their
supper dances, so don't miss out on a wonderful meal and
Top of page
Senior Citizens Speak with
Minister for Social Welfare
Susan Boyd

A group of Ardara senior citizens
enjoyed the opportunity to discuss their concerns with
Minister for Social Welfare and Family Affairs, Mary
Coughlan, in their home-base at the Community Centre,
Ardara on Tuesday, October the 1st. |
chairperson of the Ardara Community Care Committee, Ms
Breda Boyle, and a committee member, Ms Bríd McGill,
welcomed the Minister in Irish and in English as she
arrived at the Community Centre. The Department of Social
Welfare was happy to mark the U.N. "International
Day of Older Persons" by launching an information
booklet for the over-sixties in the Ardara Heiritage
Centre that same afternoon.
The Minister had been invited to open a newly re-furbished
room in which the Ardara Senior Citizens meet weekly on
Tuesday afternoons.The room had been renovated with £2900.
of lottery funding, allocated by the North Western Health
Board. A new timber ceiling has been put in, the floor
has been cleaned and polished, a partition has been
erected to provide access to the main hall, and a heating
system has been installed. Though the room in which the
Senior Citizens meet has been re-vamped, it does not meet
the needs of the group. Breda Boyle stated that they were
restricted by lack of space, that facilities for cooking
and washing-up were some distance from the room, as are
toilet facilities. "We would hope that we would be
able today to bring pressure to bear to push forward the
development of our own Day Care Centre." She urged
Minister Coughlan to make it her goal to turn the first
sod of a new Day Care Centre for the elderly in Ardara.
A member of the Senior Citizens' Group declared that the
elderly people of Ardara were the forgotten citizens of
Donegal and that, in comparison with other areas, the
conditions under which their group operated were shocking.
She added that too many people had passed on, before
seeing better facilities, which were long-awaited. Public
Health Nurse, Ann Boyle, stated that there are 400 people
over the age of sixty-five in the Ardara area, and that
there was a clear need for improved Day Care facilities.
A new Day Care Centre is in planning, in conjunction with
a Primary Health Care Centre, and Sheltered Housing for
the Elderly, in Ardara. These three projects are to be
constructed together on a site being provided by the
Donegal County Council on Malloys Field in the town. The
Primary Health Care Centre and the Day Care Centre are
being funded by the North Western Health Board, and the
Sheltered Housing will in large part be funded by the
Department of the Environment, and by some local funding.
A sub-committee of the Ardara Conference of the St
Vincent de Paul Society, chaired by Mr Jimmy O'Donnell,
Lough Hill, would be in charge of the planning and
administration of the monies for the Sheltered Housing.
Dr Mireille Sweeney said that
she had been shown plans for a Health Centre by the North
Western Health Board when she had first taken up her
practice in Ardara in 1995. In her present rooms she had
no space for an emergency room, or facilities for
counselling services, or a practice nurse. She
acknowledged the help of Public Health Nurse, Ann Boyle,
who has an office next door to the doctor's consulting
rooms. Despite a promise of a new Health Centre, Dr
Sweeney was taking the measure of moving into new rooms
in the near future, which she had acquired privately.
Speaking on behalf of the St Vincent de Paul Committee
for Sheltered Housing in Ardara, Mr Jimmy O'Donnell
stated that the architectural plans for the whole of the
development have been submitted to the planning
authorities. He asked whether present adjustments in the
economic policies of the N.W.H.B. might delay the
construction of the project. Minister Coughlan's reply
was that it was necessary to make sure that the funding
was there. Jimmy asked that the transferral of the land
deeds from the County Council to the St Vincent de Paul
Committee, through McMillan Associates, be speeded up.
She undertook to look into this matter.
Minister Coughlan praised the wonderful voluntary
committee who presently ensure the Tuesday afternoon care
facilities for the elderly in the Ardara Community Centre.
"We would like to see the Ardara Day Care Centre
progress as quickly as possible," she said. "
There are a number of Centres for the elderly in the
region - Carrick, Glenties, Creeslough - where an
integrated approach ensures various support services."
The Ardara development had been slow because a number of
agencies had had to work together, she added.
Various questions as to home improvements, maintenance of
neck pendants (worn by those elderly people who live
alone), etc., were then put to the Minister. One 85 year
old woman who suffers from serious illness, spoke of the
dangerous and damp condition of her porch roof, and of
her need for new guttering on her house; another asked
for the possibility of getting bathroom facilities.
Minister Coughlan took notes on each concern discussed.
With a beaming smile, Mary asked her audience, "Are
youse all going out to vote on October nineth?"
There was a general laugh, and a clear voice asked,
"Could you please tell me about that 'yes' and that
'no'? I haven't a notion!"
The Minister explained. As a result of the lowering of
the 'Iron Curtain' and of the Treaty of Amsterdam (Unity
of Europe Act), there were 27 accession countries waiting
to join the European Union. Many of these countries had
poor economies and a scanty legislative structure. These
countries had two years in which to prepare to
participate fully in the E.U. When these 27 countries are
admitted to the E U., the present structure will be too
unwieldy. At present each country has one commissioner to
represent them in the E. U. and each commissioner has a
weighted vote according to the population of the country
s/he is representing. With the admittance of 27 new
countries it will be necessary for each country to to
have a commissioner on a revolving basis, there being an
occasional year in which a country takes a turn at having
no commissioner, perhaps once in 27 years, for example.
So the Nice Treaty was mainly about structural change.
The establishment of a Rapid Reaction Force was to
provide a peace-keeping force in circumstances where the
U.N. decided that something had to be done, as in the
recent events in Bosnia. In the case of the neutral
countries within the E.U. - Ireland, Switzerland, Sweden
- it was spelled out that the E.U. Rapid Reaction Force
could not act as an agressor force without a referendum
being first taken in the neutral countries.
As regards economic opportunity, the Minister said that
laws regulating the minimum wage, and labour conditions
generally, would operate in all E.U. countries and would
eventually equalise labour opportunities. She stated that
the Irish wouldn't lose their culture or their identity.
The Irish government would retain its independence in
setting taxes and administering government monies,
setting pensions, etc. She felt that the great changes in
Ireland in the last forty years owed a great deal to our
E.U. membership, which had brought positive changes in
education, travel and work opportunities to the younger
generation. She concluded, "It's not all perfect. On
balance, I think the right thing is to move with Europe."
Before leaving the Community Centre, Minister
Coughlan tried her hand at spinning under the expert eye
of Bridget Shovlin, and had a laugh at her own attempts.
She was presented with a picture of Lough Veigh by
amateur artist Dympna Duffy, on behalf of the Senior
Citizens, following which everyone repaired to the
Heiritage Centre for some very welcome refreshments. |

Bridget Shovlin &
Minister Coughlan
The launch of the booklet regarding
entitlements for the over sixties, prepared by Comhairle,
a state agency under the aegis of the Department of
Social and Family Affairs, and the International Day of
Older Persons was celebrated by the Ardara Senior
Citizens with Minister Coughlan in the Heiritage Centre,
Ardara. Joining the group and helping to hand round the
refreshments were Geraldine Whelan and Veronica Scanlon
of Minister Coughlan's Press Office, Robert Delaney, the
Minister's private secretary, and a spokesperson for
The booklet will be posted in the coming days to hundreds
of thousands of households across the country where an
older person lives.
"This handy guide provides information to older
people to ensure that they are claiming and are in
receipt of their entitlements over a range of services
and supplies, including social welfare, housing, health,
transport, and legal matters.
"I am delighted to be in Ardara today to mark the
the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons.
In our ageing world, new thinking requires that we view
ageing as a society wide phenomenon - not just an issue
for older people.
"The new architecture of ageing requires policies
that remove obstacles and facilitates contributions to
society by our older people. On this day in particular, I
would like to acknowledge what our older people have
achieved for this country, how they laid the foundations
for todays confident state, and how they helped build and
fashion a forward looking society.
"The success that our country now enjoys reflects
our parents' and their parents' committment,
selflessness, and encouragement," said Minister Mary
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