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An Bord Pleanala

Bord uses artifice to evade  compliance with Directive 90/313/EEC 

Campaign for Sensible Transport (CaST) wrote to An Bord Pleanala on August 20th 2001 requesting a copy of the transcript of the oral hearing into the Waterford Bypass. In the request it was pointed out that the transcript was required to facilitate preparing for the enquiry into the proposed Toll Scheme for the Waterford Bypass. This hearing is scheduled to take place on  Monday September 10th 2001. The following is the Bord's response.

Dear Mr. Fitzgerald

I refer to your letter of 20th. August 2001 concerning a request under the European Communities Act 1972 (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations, 1998 for a copy of the transcript of the proceedings of the Waterford Bypass oral hearing.

The Board is informed by the stenographer that her transcripts are covered by copyright  and that we may not copy and circulate these transcripts. The Board has no objections to you approaching the stenographer directly for a copy. The address is 

Bernadette Roddie
23 Doonsalla Park
Dun Laoghaire
County Dublin

Yours sincerely

Diarmuid Collins

We understand  that the stenographer was both engaged by and remunerated by An Bord Pleanala.

 CaST 1/9/2001