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Freedom of Information

How to obtain information from public bodies

The Freedom of Information: permits you to obtain some material from Government and its related agencies such as Local Authorities. 

Whereas legally the NRA is not  subject to the Freedom of Information Act, at a meeting in Knocktopher, Co. Kilkenny in June 2001, the CEO of the NRA, Mr. Tobin, gave an undertaking that his organisation would comply with the Act.

It is however worth noting that unlike, the case of invoking 90/313/EEC when only the cost of producing the copy of the requested material may be charged, in invoking the Freedom of Information, significant charges may be demanded.

For example, in a letter dated 22/6/2001 to the North Kilkenny Action Group, Mr. J. Gibbons, a.s. Runai, Kilkenny Co. Co. estimated the cost of complying with the Groups request for information at £8,000, which fee would be payable in advance.

Campaign for Sensible Transport (CaST) therefore recommends the use of 90/313/EEC rather than the Freedom of Information act.  
