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Traffic flow figures show no need for motorway

 N.A.G. Newsletter May 2001

Recently released official figures clearly indicate that there is no need for the proposed new motorway between Cahir and Mitchelstown (presently costed at £250,000,000). 

This startling fact emerged at a meeting between representatives of Tipperary South Riding County Council, their road traffic consultants Halcrow Barry and N.A.G. held last week in Cahir. At this meeting Mr. Bobb Diffin of Halcrow Barry stated that the average daily traffic flow between Cashel and Mitchelstown is between 8,000 and 9,000 vehicles. Mr. Diffin gave the capacity of the existing road as 13,800 vehicles per day.  And it should be noted, this figure of 13,800 is BEFORE even MINOR improvements are made.

To justify a motorway, a daily traffic flow of 55,000 is required according to the National Roads Authority’s own figures. The same body is predicting a flow of 15,000 by 2019. 


We therefore ask the question “Why spend a minimum of £25,000,000 on a motorway for 40,000 missing vehicles?”