An Bord Pleanala rejects ESB plan
" the well-being of the population" cited as reason for refusal
Irish Independent
Tuesday July 3rd 2001
PLANS by the ESB to upgrade its network nationally have been dealt a serious blow following refusal by An Bord Pleanala of an ambitious project through one of the country's most scenic areas.
In the landmark decision, the country's top planning authority cited the impact on a scenic environment of national importance and the well-being of the population among its reasons to reject the ESB's application for a 110kv line linking the west Donegal gaeltacht to Letterkenny, over 100km away.
Anti-pylon groups across the country were last night studying the implications of the decision to overturn planning permission for the construction of the line on wooden poles and pylons through an area of high scenic amenity.
The ESB and objectors who took part in the marathon oral hearing before two Bord Pleanala inspectors last November will be officially notified of the Board's decision this morning.
The ESB proposal, which sparked a public outcry, was for a 110 kv line to stretch from Binbane in the south-west Donegal gaeltacht through Dungloe and past Errigal, the county's highest mountain, before looping along the north coast near Gortahork and Falcarragh and dropping southwards to Letterkenny.
The line was to traverse some of the county's most remote and beautiful landscape, much of which has been designated as "high amenity" under the current county development plan.
Copyright © Irish Independent 2001