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Incinerator Ash to be used for Road Building - Galway Greens 

"The further significance of this plan is that the road building programme must continue for the lifespan of the proposed incinerator"

At a waste conference in the Menlo Park Hotel in Galway City organised jointly by Galway Corporation and the Galway City Community Forum on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd September 2001 it was pointed out by Brendan O'Neill of the Department of the Environment that 53% of the waste in the Connaught region will be incinerated. When questioned as to where the toxic ash from incineration would be disposed of he pointed out that it would be used in the building of roads. According to Niall O Brolchain the Green Party Candidate for Galway West; "The disposal of toxic ash from incineration by including it in the material used for road building is not included in the Department of the Environment's figures for landfill. In fact it is not included in the Department's figures at all. More than 40,000 tonnes of toxic ash will be introduced into Connaught's Environment annually, if these plans are allowed to proceed." "The further significance of this plan is that the road building programme must continue for the lifespan of the proposed incinerator." "The Department of the Environment is completely out of touch with the views of the people of Connaught if they think that this strategy is remotely acceptable. The Greens are fundamentally opposed to this extraordinary scheme and we are extremely alarmed at the undemocratic way in which it is being implemented."

Further Information from Niall O Brolchain - 091-528201