Irish Independent
Thursday June 7th 2001
Patsy Anne Lucey
A farmer has asked the courts to stop a major road being built on his land.
Kerryman Jeremiah Brick, who farms 120 acres near Tralee, has asked for a judicial review as not enough notice had been given for his hearing.
The land in question was being used as a percolation area for overflow from the farm buildings as the farm had a small effluent holding tank, a hearing was told yesterday.
"This would not be good farming practice," said a lawyer representing Mr Brick.
The construction of the proposed £7.4m roadway, to be funded under the National Development Plan, has already been delayed because of a wait for the Bord Pleanala hearing, Kerry County Council engineers said yesterday.
A proposed dual carriageway in the area was stopped some years ago because it interfered with an EU Habitats Directive in relation to a nearby native wood.
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