A chara, - You have to smile when you hear the great and the good wringing their hands at the continued road carnage.
Counties are in on the act too, with shiny death tolls adorning their finest roads. Fun for all the family! Not a minute after trying to imagine the pain of all that blood and gore, one is confronted - again only on the fastest of Irish thoroughfares - with posters showing glistening bottles of drink: alcohol in its most tumescent state: upright, angled and unadorned. "Hit the Bar", intones one; "A Long Cool One" another; and, more obtusely, "It all Started in Cork".
I doubt that the residents of Ireland's largest county are dying to be known as the pioneers of drink-driving; they should be marching in the streets in protest.
Given that people are drinking, driving and dying (and suing) in their droves - any chance of a class action "compo" suit against the roadside drink peddlers? - Yours, etc.,
PHILIP BURGESS, Melfa Road, Vancouver, Canada
Irish Times Letter to Editor 8-9-2001