At a party meeting in Carlow on Sunday September 16th 2001, Fine Gael came out in support of the Fianna Fail/Progressive Democrat Government’s motorway plans. Party spokesperson Olivia Mitchel said that she did not see any way of solving Ireland's traffic problems other than by building motorways through greenfield sites. Speaking from the podium, Alan Dukes launched a scathing attach on opponents of the plans by saying that the only way to solve traffic congestion was by building more roads.
Ms Mitchel made these remarks despite being aware that there is no evidence to show a need for the motorways from a traffic point of view and that there is no proof to show that 5 new motorways will lead to economic development of the regions. Alan Dukes said that the Road Needs Study of 1998 was inadequate because it did not call for the building of enough roads. He based this view not on expert advice or considered opinion, but on personal experience of traffic congestion.
The conference was entitled “Progress – At What Price”. It was billed as a “Special Conference on Environment Issues”. The day was divided into 2 sessions with guest speakers addressing the Fine Gael delegates on the topics of “Protecting our Future” and “The Great Roads Debate”. Of the five guest speakers only one, Colm MacEochaidh, was an environmentalist. Fine Gael invited a representative from each of the NRA, the IFA, AA Ireland and also a journalist. For the second discussion on the issue of motorways the guest speakers were either pro-motorway or neutral. Representatives from the Campaign for Sensible Transport (CaST) were not invited but several members who turned up uninvited, spoke during the question and answer session. It is very worrying that Fine Gael can consider holding a debate on the roads issue with out any opposing views being allowed. It is also very worrying that they consider it possible to have an environment conference with only one environmental speaker present. From the comments made by senior Fine Gael TDs they did not understand the points raised by Mr. MacEochaidh. He spoke clearly and at length about the fact that building more roads leads to more traffic. This is one of the fundamental characteristics of road building. Alan Dukes thanked him for his comments and said that they were very thought- provoking. Not thought- provoking enough because a mere hour later Mr. Dukes suggested that the only solution to congestion was more roads, not a public transport system!
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