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Quinn urges novel way of speeding up provision of Dublin motorway 

"If my suggestion was acted upon, the entire stretch of motorway through the region would be treated as one contract"

The Leader of the Labour Party, Mr. Ruairi Quinn, TD, this week urged political and business interests in the South East counties to forge a powerful alliance that would result in this region's section of the proposed Waterford to Dublin motorway being built sooner rather than later.

Speaking to the Munster Express during a visit to Waterford, Mr. Quinn said he believed Waterford Corporation and County Council should join with local authorities in Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Wexford and Carlow to become one 
entity as far as the new road was concerned. Legislation was now in place to facilitate such a move, he said, pointing out that, if the Chambers of Commerce and other business interests rowed in behind the plan, it could succeed to the benefit of all concerned.

''If my suggestion was acted upon, the entire stretch of motorway through the region would be treated as one contract. 
There would be one price, one set of planning applications, one oral hearing and one set of compulsory purchase orders which would drastically cut the lead-in time to starting the actual construction work.

''It would be a huge contract that would attract tenders from multi-national contractors all over Europe who already have the expertise to tackle such an undertaking. Irish companies would not lose out because they would undoubtedly be successful in bidding for sub-contracts associated with the venture'', said Mr. Quinn, who stressed that the benefits to Waterford of having a motorway to Dublin in place would be enormous. 

Report by John O'Connor
Munster Express June 1st 2001
© Munster Express 2001