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Waterford Bypass and Suir Crossing

Report on Oral Hearing

The Oral hearing into the proposed bypass and river crossing at Waterford continued at Dooley's hotel today. Peter Sweetman (Planning Consultant) represented CaST.

At the end of three days of hearings, the NRA team has called six witnesses, three roads engineers, a noise expert, a microclimate expert and an ecologist. To date just one witness, the noise expert, has completed his evidence.


He is Patrick Tittmar of F.R. Mark and Associates, Belfast. The following is our summing up of his evidence:

  • In his contribution to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) he relied totally on English standards, guidelines and regulations.  These rely on enforcement procedures supported by statutes that do not exist in Ireland.
  • He failed to assess in any form the noise generated by a toll plaza.
  • He failed to address the direct effect of noise on the Special Area of Conservation (SAC). In fact he did not even know the location of  the SAC. 
  • The standards that he applied, allowed 20 times more noise energy than similar standards in countries such as Austria and Australia. 
  • These were the standards he was instructed to apply by the NRA (the developer)
  • Yesterday he produced evidence stating the 18 hour average noise generated by the road but despite persistent questioning from Peter Sweetman, he failed to specify a maximum noise level at any location.
  • Today after more than 2 hours of questioning by Michael O'Donnell B.L representing local residents, he admitted that during the construction phase Mr. O'Donnell's client could be subject to noise levels of 90 dBs at the rear of his house but with mitigation measures dependent on the goodwill of the contractor, these levels might be reduced to 80 dBs. The duration of this noise would be about 3 years, assuming the project ran to schedule. It's worth noting that a noise level of 90dBs means that one has by law to wear ear protectors if exposed to it for  more than 3 hours per day.
  • He also stated that he understood that it would be illegal for any resident along this road to directly monitor the sound generated by the road from Council property.

Friday August 3rd 2001