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Waterford-Dublin Motorway

First section of N9 motorway incorporated in Waterford City Bypass

Evidence emerged at the Oral Hearing into the Waterford City Bypass that the first section of the N9/N10 Waterford to Dublin Motorway/Dual-carriageway is actually part of the bypass. This has grave implications for the remainder of the N9/N10 route through County Kilkenny. By fixing the position and size of the N9/N10 where it joins the Waterford Bypass, the NRA has prejudiced the entire Public Consultation process for this route. The emerging preferred route is presently being selected by the NRA and its consultants from the various N9/N10 route option corridors and is expected to be announced towards the end of September 2001. The Waterford Bypass however is much further advanced, being at the Oral Hearing stage.

It is also significant that despite the consultants to the Waterford Bypass, Eubank Preece O'Heocha, using a sophisticated computer modelling system to determine predict traffic flows, Ms. Connie Feeley, an engineer working with the NRA in their Tramore office, changed the size of the N9 from a 2 lane road to a 4 lane motorway/dual-carriageway in February 2000 as a result of nothing more than a telephone call from the NRA head office.

August 19th 2001 
Campaign for Sensible Transport (CaST)