The Oral Hearing into the badly needed N25 Waterford Bypass
collapsed today amid recriminations and claims from Michael
O'Donnell B.L, acting for the Butlerstown residents, that the
developer (Waterford Corporation, Waterford County Council and
Kilkenny Council) were intent on "bleeding my clients
dry". The
essential facts are outlined below. On the Monday prior to
the commencement of the Hearing, a meeting took place in City Hall
at which 17 people representing the developer were present. Both Waterford Co. Co. and
Waterford Corporation were represented. No representative was present from
Kilkenny Co. Co. Those in attendance included the City Engineer, the
County Engineer, the Senior planner from the county, the Law
Advisor, the legal team representing the developer at the Hearing,
Local Authority officials, Engineers from the NRA and professionals
representing the consultants to the project. The meeting was
informed that the route in the Bypass proposal going before the
hearing just 2 days later did not conform to the Waterford County
Development Plan. The Waterford County Development Plan had
some weeks earlier been varied by the elected representatives of
Waterford County Council. Notwithstanding, the developer proceeded
with the Hearing. Neither the Inspector nor the general public nor
the objectors were advised of this 'difficulty' with the proposal.
In effect a cover up was attempted. At no time during the
Hearing did any witnesses representing the developer indicate that
the Bypass Proposal before the hearing was in contravention of the
Waterford County Council Development Plan nor that there was even
the slightest potential incompatibility between the two. It was only
following sustained and detailed questioning by Mr. Michael
O'Donnell B.L. representing residents and Mr. Sweetman, Planning
Consultant, that, on Wednesday August the 8th, more than 1 week into
the Hearing, the cover-up
was exposed.
August 15th 2001