November 18th 2001
Government, National Roads Authority (NRA) and Local Authorities
have repeatedly praised the consultation process that is
now available to all those affected by new roads and implied that
they would benefit by engaging in this process.
Progressively fewer people are being fooled by these
claims. Each new consultation brings further confirmation that
what are termed Public Consultations are in fact no more than
Information Gathering Exercises designed to benefit, not the
affected landowners and public, but the organisations planning and
building the motorways.
Nor are the Public Consultations fair. This is clearly
demonstrated by a number of examples from the N9/N10 proposed
motorway from Waterford to Kilcullen.
Public Consultation Number 2 took place in May 2001 when a range
of route options was published. However Public Consultation
Number 3 took place in October 2001 and revealed major
variations from the plans illustrated in Number 2. For
example, new link roads that were not even hinted at in the Number 2
Consultation appeared, such as that linking the motorway to Kilkenny
City. And new cross-over sections of motorway appeared, for
example as illustrated, linking Route option G1 to G3.
Copyright © Campaign for Sensible Transport 2001