Interesting Facts about Birds

Song thrushes use their saliva to mix the mud to line his nest.
The Mistle Thrush will attack any bird, animal or person that comes near their nest.
The Pied Wagtail is the only bird that walks.
Most birds will have two broods of nestlings some have three.
Birds become independent very quickly. Some leave the nest when they are three weeks old.
Magpies stay together in families for months after they are born.
Male birds have brighter plumage than the female.
The male wren builds lots of nests and the female wren chooses one of them to lay her eggs in.The male wren uses the others to roost in.
The pied wagtail's throat changes colour. It is white in winter and black in summer.
The female pied wagtail's tail becomes bent in Spring-time.
The male blackbird chooses where the female must build her nest.
Most male birds do not help the female build the nest.
The male chaffinch flies with the female when she is collecting things for her nest but will not help her to carry anything.
The magpie steals shiny things.
The magpie will eat injured or dead animals.
The song thrush uses a stone to crack the shell before removing the snail.
The male sparrow helps the female collect the material for her nest.