Week One 5th-9th February
Monday: Four greenfinches came today, a male and female blackbird picking on the ground and we saw a robin walk across the playground. We learned that they like to stay in groups. The male has brighter plumage than the female. You can see a yellow stripe on his wing. We also saw a blue tit and a great tit. Two wood pidgeons were looking for food on the ground near the feeders.
Tuesday: Today we saw two rooks eat from the feeders, a male blackbird throwing up leaves, a male chaffinch eating on the ledge underneath the feeder, two greenfinches, and a blue tit and two great tits. We watched the song thrush throwing up the leaves in the afternoon.
Wednesday: We had five greenfinches at 11:00am. Two thrushes were hopping about. We need to see what colour they have under their wings. If its white it is a mistle thrush but if it's orange then it is a song thrush.
Thursday: The weather was cold but sunny. We watched two thrushes chase each other. We saw a bird today that looks like the thrush but she has an eye stripe.
Friday: It was sunny so we went to the park today. We saw lots of robind there. A robin came really close to me. It was cool.
Week Two 12th- 16th February
Thursday: We hung up a plastic flower basket for the birds to use as a bath. We put a small amount of water in the bottom.
Friday: We saw lots and lots of rooks. The weather was warm and sunny. The birds were singing loudly.
Week Three 19th-23rd February
Wednesday: A greattit spent the morning playing on the bird table. He was running in the front door and out the back.
Thursday: We saw two greattits, three male chaffinches, and nine greenfinches. The great tit was picking at the fatbag. Two collared doves were picking at the ground underneath the feeders.
Friday : A male chaffinch was thrown against the window this morning by another bird. We think it may have been a rook that lifted him in his claws. He fell to the ground. Teacher lifted him up and brought him inside. She showed him to everyone. One eye was closed and he was stunned. We could see his bright plumage clearly. We put him standing inside the house on the birdtable. The sun was shining so he was warm. We gave him some peanuts. We were excited and hoped that he would still be there at playtime. When we went out to take a photograph he flew away.
We filled the feeders at playtime and washed out the bird bath. Afterwards lots of greenfinches arrived. We saw the blue tit.There were eleven greenfinches altogether. Two collared doves landed on the roof.They had a dark line on the back of their neck.