The 1st Galway Juggling Convention 2003

Directions on how to get here

The main hall for the convention is in the Galway Rowing Club, Woodquay, a five minute walk from the bus station and right beside the river. For a map, click here.

By Train -

There are around 5 departures to Galway a day from Heuston Station (Dublin). Check Iaranrod Eireann for more information.

By Bus -

Eurolines run daily services to Galway from London Victoria Bus Station. But it is not exactly the most comfortable way to travel

Bus Eireann have a number of departures to Galway from Dublin, Cork, Belfast, Sligo and Tralee every day. If you are in Dublin, check out Citylink who leave outside Supermacs off O'Connell Bridge every hour or so.

By Car -

Galway is a main city in Ireland and is singposted accordingly. To find us in at the convention just hit the city centre and head towards the courthouse, and look for the Galway Rowing Club. There is even a convenient carpark nearby! For more information buy a map, or go here.

Hitch-hike -

Arrive in style people, just use your thumb.

Air - If you are coming from the UK or mainland Europe (or further) the easiest and cheapest way is to fly.

Ryanair, EasyJet, Go! and AerLingus are worth a look. Check their websites for availabilty and prices.Dublin Int. Airport is the main aeroport, but since Shannon is closer to Galway you might want to look into it!