Our Green School News

St. Nicholas N.S has adopted the idea to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle waste. Each class in the school have duties to perform to help our school because become a "Green School."     

Rang 6: Action Groups, waste management, conservation and publicity.

Rand 5: Litter Wardens.

Rang 4: Litter Wardens.

Rang 3: Our Green School Code. 

Rang 2: Hallway Monitors.

Rang 1: Gardening and Composting

Infants: "My World," Tidiness 

The benefits to our school:

* Improve our environment 

* Reduce litter and waste.

* Increase awareness.

* Involve everyone!

    In our school we have the "Returnbatt" facility so don't forget to bring your old batteries to our school to be "Recycled!"

    Our Craft Center uses Recycled materials to create creative and colorful works of Art. These can be seen exhibited in the school and in the St. Patrick's Day' Parade, and the annual Oyster Festival in September.