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    Screen Savers

  For the first time in a couple of months I booted into windows. I was surprised at how sluggish most things felt! Anyway, I've been asked by Dug to produce a screensaver with Irish Rallying as the theme.

To Build A Screen Saver
  I spent a few hours searching, downloading and trying out a few packages. Most of them were pretty good. None of them would allow you to distribute your finished product. I came across a site with has a library available to aid in the development of screen savers.

The Results So Far
  I've hacked together two screensavers, one displays a new image every few seconds, the other moves an image about and then changes every few seconds. They are nothing spectacular but for 1.5 hours programming they ain't bad. Listed below are the Screen Savers plus some dlls if they are needed (I don't know if they are the right ones!).

  I need to implement animated gif type effects, scrolling text or at least text that will update every few seconds. I guess displaying multiple animations/pictures. Playing sound and possibly avi files. If you've any other suggestions, please let me know.

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George Clernon
Last modified: Wed Oct 7 20:15:42 IST 1998