The Cork Local Voluntary Youth Council

Cork Local Voluntary Youth Council
Contact The Cork Local Voluntary Youth Council
Address C/o City of Cork V.E.C., Emmet Place, Cork, Ireland.
Web Page


In 1983, it was difficult to imagine what kind of structure could be put in place for the purpose of local co-ordination of youth work activities. In Youth Services 2000 this was stated explicitly:

From where will the leadership come to provide local co-ordination? What kind of structure will undertake this complex work? The question of whether a local committee made up of officials of the agencies mentioned ... (i.e. the educational system, the Health Boards, National Manpower Service, the J.L.O.'s Probation Officers etc.), together with local representatives of the major youth organisations working in that area might assume responsibility for all grant aiding and stimulating co-operation and new local initiatives is worth further examination.

Since 1989, 11 voluntary youth councils have been established under the aegis of the Department of Education in Ireland. The Cork Local Voluntary Youth Council (CLVYC) was established in 1994.

Cork Local Voluntary Youth Council, 1995
Cork Local Voluntary Youth Council, 1995
Cork Local Voluntary Youth Council, 1997
Cork Local Voluntary Youth Council, 1997
Cork Local Voluntary Youth Council, Grant Awards
Cork Local Voluntary Youth Council, Grant Awards

Structure and Operation

Structures and operating guidelines governing the establishment of the CLVYC were based on:

  1. Consultations with voluntary youth organisations operating in Cork City and County.
  2. The experience gained by the City and County Vocational Educational Committees in Cork in initiating and evaluating projects for disadvantaged youth.
  3. The experience gained by the City and County VECs in carrying out their administering and co-ordinating role in relation to the funding made available for special projects for disadvantaged youth.
  4. The on-going relationships being developed between the VECs and the providers of youth services through special projects, youth information provision and the Youth and Sport Grant Scheme.
  5. The guidelines on the operation of Local Voluntary Youth Councils issued by the Minister of State, at the Department of Education, in April 1990.

Cork 51°54'N, 8°29'WAdministrative Area

The jurisdiction of the CLVYC extends to Cork City and County. It has been suggested that, from time to time and for short periods it may be necessary to establish Advisory Groups to the CLVYC in a locality to identify needs and put forward plans to meet them.

Membership Structure

The membership of the CLVYC is elected/nominated from the following categories:

Category 1: Ten nominated representatives from mainline youth organisations funded through the Mainline Youth Services Grant Scheme and whose primary function is to provide services to young people in Cork City and County.
Category 2: Three elected representatives of groups not affiliated to organisations in Category 1 which are established in the Cork City and County area from time to time to support specific community based youth projects or activities which have as their primary objective the personal and social development of young people.
Category 3: Two elected representatives of organisations/groups not affiliated to bodies in Category 1 above or included in Category 2, which provide services for young people, or enjoin young people in providing services to the community.
Category 4: Four nominated representatives of Church Congregations who minister in the Cork City and/or County area.
Category 5: One representative each nominated from the Sports Advisory Committees of the City of Cork and County Cork Vocational Education Committees.
Category 6: A Statutory Advisory Committee comprised of one representative from the different statutory bodies, which service the needs of young people either directly of indirectly.

Term of Office of the CLVYC

The term of office of the CLVYC is co-terminus with the Local Authority. On dissolution of the Council of Cork Corporation and Cork County Council the CLVYC also dissolves. Following local elections a new CLVYC is formed.

Functions of the CLVYC

The CLVYC has the following functions:

  1. To provide a forum for the voluntary groups to exchange views and develop policy.
  2. To encourage, through exchange of information and experiences, good practice in the youth service.
  3. To assess the needs of young people in the Cork City and County area and to make recommendations on action to meet those needs.
  4. To facilitate, where appropriate, common programmes and research taking current activities into account.
  5. To liaise with statutory agencies on behalf of voluntary youth organisations and groups.
  6. To seek to develop an active role for young people within the youth service and in youth affairs generally.
  7. To help create a positive environment for youth work and to support and facilitate voluntary effort.
  8. To establish a prioritised plan of action, following research and having regard to the tenure of the Council, the primacy of voluntary effort, the availability of resources and the potential for optimisation of existing effort.
  9. To submit a draft action programme to the Chief Executive Officer of the City of Cork and County Cork Vocational Education Committees in early October of each year.
  10. To be advised on such elements of the draft programme as are sanctioned by the Department of Education to be implemented and to arrange for feedback on such implementation.
  11. To continuously monitor the action programme and to develop and amend it in the light of sanction, experience and the emergence of new needs.


Guide to Youth Organisations for Young People & Volunteers
UCC Education Department Report:
"Your Future - Our Future"


Microsoft Expedia Maps

Source: "Your Future - Our Future"





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