Irish Red Cross Society

Irish Red Cross Society
Contact Maureen O'Sullivan
Address 'Assumption Villa', Assumption Road, Cork, Ireland.
Phone +353-(0)21-391715
Fax +353-(0)21-391715

General Introduction

  1. Helps young people grow according to the Red Cross Ideal (assistance to all because "Jutti Fratelli").
  2. Increase youth membership (help society contribute to the mission of International Red Cross movement).
  3. Identify concerns of young people and act as appropriate in accordance with the fundamental principles of the Red Cross.


  1. Community Service - visit children's hospitals, helping the elderly - entertainment troupes - therapeutic hand care.
  2. Learning about environmental issues, conservation, recycling and all the ways we can protect our planet.
  3. Campcraft. Put up a tent, take a hike, go on a camp and lots of fun.
  4. Personal development. Discovering and developing gifts/skills as a person.
  5. Learn about people/issues in Ireland and the world, e.g. homelessness, addictions drugs/alcohol, pen-pals, exchange visits, war and famine.
  6. Developing skills in listening - Braille, learn sign language.
  7. Develop gifts in sport and leisure, swimming, football, music, concerts, talent competitions.
  8. Disaster First Aid Training. Build on our First Aid skills, and where possible put them into action.

Volunteer Profile

The Society has 26 branches in Cork City and County with an Area Youth Officer and 26 Branch Youth Liaison Officers and Leaders each issued with choice of activities, duties and guidelines to include (1) Ability, (2) Availability, co-ordination, liaison, publicity, responsibilities, etc.

Last Updated, October 29, 1998




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