<HTML> <HEAD> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Adobe PageMill 3.0 Mac"> <TITLE>Qualifications of elders html.</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P><B>The Elder </B>1 Timothy 3 Titus 1<BR> The office of an elder is the highest office in the Church today. Those who are ministers are simply ministering elders. Then, when we looked at Scriptural Church Government we saw that in the NT Church there were a number of elders in each Church. We also showed you how that the office of a bishop in the New Testament and the office of a bishop are the same thing. The word "elder" has to do with the person's qualifications as a person and the word bishop has to do with the job that he does. The word "bishop" means "overseer" and we saw that it is the job of the elder to be an overseer and a shepherd. Remember how Paul instructed the Ephesian elders to feed the Church of God. The Word "feed" means "shepherd". He is to look after the flock and care for them and to safeguard their spiritual welfare. He is also to administer discipline if that is necessary. If the sheep are wandering away or doing what they shouldn't be doing it is the job of the elder both to encourage them or give them a rap across the proverbial knuckles if need be. So the job of the elder is a very high and a very responsible office indeed.<BR> The problem may be that when people begin to realise the responsibility of the office and when we look at the qualifications of the office that many of the brethren may say. "I could not do that" or "I am not qualified to take on such a high office". The first thing I want to point out is that those who are the more spiritually minded often have a heightened sense of their own sin. The fact is that the closer a person comes to God the more clearly they will see their own loathsomeness and they will lament over things that those who have never drawn as near to God have never seen in themselves. Those who are of a less spiritual mind can go on blithely disobeying the precepts of God with hardly a thought and they will often justify their behaviour and make excuses for their behaviour and throw the blame on other people. It will never be their fault that they behave as they do. It is the fault of the minister or their friends or their family or their circumstances but they are the best they can be. A spiritual person is a person who makes no excuses but throws himself at the mercy of God and struggles to put to death the old man. A spiritual person is a person who studies God's Word and compares himself in the light of it so that he will often see things that another would never see. Therefore a more spiritual person is apt to judge themselves more harshly. Now that does not make excuse for the faults but I just want to point that out as a fact. If you are more spiritual you may be judging yourself on a level above the person who is quite happy to let his name go forward.<BR> The second thing that I want you to see is that the Bible urges the brethren to have an ambition to be an elder. 1 Timothy 3:1 says <B>This </B><I>is<B> a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. </B></I>It is not wrong to desire this office indeed it is something that you should desire. It may be that if you were qualified for this office and you refused to take the responsibility that you would be refusing a service God wants you to do and that ultimately you won't have used the the talents that God has given you. We think of the parable of the talents that the Lord told and how the master was angry with his servant who had buried the talent in the ground as he had not used the talents he had been given. So it is a good thing to desire the office of a bishop or an elder. However in desiring the office of an elder you are not going to get very far if you are not seeking to display the qualifications of an elder in your life. In this life if you want any job you have to have the qualifications for it. It is no different in the work of God. There is no point in you desiring the office of an elder if you have not sought to get the qualifications and you cannot blame the people for not voting for you if you have never sought to get those qualifications. The Bible lays down very clear qualifications for those who occupy the office of an elder and given that it is something every man who is saved here today should desire I think it would be good if we IOC at the qualifications and see that they are put into effect in our lives whether we become elders or not. There are a number of different kinds of qualification then that I want you to see.</P> <P><B>I The Elder's Authority</B><BR> First of all we look at the elder's authority for there are certain qualifications that naturally flow from the nature of the office itself. First of all we have said that he is an overseer. Now if a person is an overseer in any capacity he has to have a certain amount of authority and respect. That authority or that respect might come from different aspects about the person. It might come because he is a caring person. If somebody is concerned about you and you know that if they do something it is for your good that will carry a certain amount of respect with it. So an elder should have a concern But respect may come also from knowledge. A doctor or a solicitor has your respect and he carries authority because of has a knowledge of his field and so an elder ought to have a knowledge of the Word of God. If he is going to oversee the flock then at least he should have some knowledge of what is right and what is wrong. If you are looking for someone to be an elder then that person should be one who has some knowledge of the Word of God.<BR> But secondly as an overseer who may have to administer discipline against those who do not attend the house of God or who do not come to communion he needs to be an attender at the house of God. If someone was to be summoned to the session because they were not faithful in their attendance it would be a bad thing if that person could point to the elder and say " Sure, you're not there half time either." Any person standing for an elder will have be determined that as far as lies within them, and we understand that people cannot be there sometimes for legitimate reasons, but as much as lies within you you will be at every meeting. It ought to be as big a scandal that the elders of the congregation do not come to a meeting as it would be if the minister of the church did not turn up because if you do not turn up you will discourage those who you are trying to encourage as an overseer and you will loose authority. I do not want a situation where the people of this congregation can make an excuse for staying away from the meetings by saying "Sure some of the elders aren't there either." So if you are not going to give a commitment that as much as you can you will be there at the meetings I would like you to withdraw your name right now. (And I don't want the excuse that you had visitors. Your visitors should know that you go to Church). Elders must be willing to give time to the Work of God. If you want the honour then you must also take the responsibility and I hope you can see that that is only but right. We see the elder's authority</P> <P><B>II The Elder's Testimony</B><BR> Secondly I want you to see the Elder's testimony. If you turn to 1 Timothy 3 and other passages the Bible gives us various features of the testimony of the elder. If you notice he has to have a good testimony in two ways. He has to have a good testimony inside the church and he also has to have a good testimony in the world. But let us look at some of the things that should be true of the elder that are to do with his testimony.<BR> First of all notice that an elder is to be blameless. That is the very first characteristic that Paul puts in 1 Timothy 3. By "blameless" he means literally that there is "nothing to take hold of" That is the literal meaning in the Greek of the word used here. In other words there ought to be nothing in his life that the world can take hold of or that the devil can take hold of to criticise the church. When people begin to hear about the fact that elders have been elected in Coragarry or when the pictures appear in the newspaper people should not be able to say, "Look at who has become an elder? Do you know what he did?" Do you know where he was? Now having said that there is no man living that is sinless. Day by day we do things we shouldn't do but it should be the desire of an elder to live above reproach not only in the church but in the community as well.<BR> Secondly he is to be "given to hospitality." That is literally that he loves strangers. The tradition of hospitality is a very strong one in the east. A stranger will be taken in and treated royally. We have lost a lot of our hospitality today in the rush. We do not have that care for others. But in the Church that hospitality will be manifested at the very least in welcoming strangers into the church and in trying to befriend them. You hear people say "that is not a very friendly church" It should never be said. We should shake hands with the people and be friendly to them and make them feel at home<BR> Then the elder should have the testimony that he is not given to wine. You find that stated at the start of verse 3. He should not be a drinker of wine. Then he is no striker . In other words he is not the sort of person that is always looking for a fight. C.H. Spurgeon told his Pastor's College students that they should not go about the world with their fist doubled up for fighting. There are people like that you know. There are people who always seem to be getting themselves into fights and contentions. The Backwoodsmen in olden days America used to go about with a chip of wood on their shoulder daring anyone to knock it off so that they could get a fight with them. Well there are people who seem to take offence at anything so that they can get fighting. A person like that is not suitable as an elder.<BR> But then let us examine his testimony further. He is not greedy of filthy lucre. In other words the amassing of earthly treasure should not be his chief goal. You say "what is wrong with making money?" There is nothing wrong with it but there are more important things. A person whose mind is always on the money firstly will be like Judas and focused on the money but he will also not be spiritually minded. You will not be willing to spend time with the things of God if money is your interest. You will be so caught up with your business that it will take precedence. If you are not willing to let your business take second place on some occasions at least then you also should think of withdrawing your name.<BR> Then he is not a brawler. Elders need to be peacemakers not trouble makers. Sometimes people want to take position so they can force through an agenda of their own. No we don't want brawlers. The Bible tells us that we need to be willing to forego our own rights at times for the sake of the peace of the Church and certainly elders will be called on to do that. Y ou will be called to go the second mile in forbearance. He is not a brawler.<BR> Then he is not covetous. You can be covetous of many things other than money of course. You can be covetous of fame or power or position. If those are the reasons you want to an elder then please think again!<BR> But not only is the elder to have a good testimony inside the Church but he is to have a good testimony outside the church . How imperative it is that we have elders who are well regarded in the community- that are not one thing on Sunday and something completely different the rest of the week. We should have men who are known for their godliness in the community and people who are known for their zeal for the things of God. We certainly do not want the type of person who the world points at as the hypocrites. The kind of people who profess to be Christians and then live like the world. That person is certainly not qualified to be an elder. He is to have a good testimony both in the Church and out in the world as well. Now the world may hate him because he is a christian. The world may not like his Christianity but at least the world should acknowledge that he does walk as a child of God. We see the Elder's testimony.</P> <P><B>III The Elders Personality</B><BR> Thirdly I want you to see the Elder's personality. If you turn again to 1 Timothy 3 there are different characteristics that should be true of the elder and I want to look at some that have to do with his character or his personality.<BR> Notice how verse 2 tells us he is to be Vigilant.. That word means he is to be temperate. He should be able to keep his head in tough situations. He should not be the kind of person who flies off the handle as soon as he is crossed. Now this is the kind of personality God likes. Some people pride themselves that they do fly off the handle. They say "Nobody tramps over me." Well an elder is someone who will knowingly let himself be tramped over at times for the sake of the greater good. There have been many times when I have allowed myself to be tramped over. The old man within me was crying out to let fly and tell people what I really felt but I had just to let it go. But that is what an elder has to do. In the parallel passage in Titus chapter 1 we are told that an elder is <B>not self-willed, not soon angry, </B>Have you got a bad temper? Are you easily aroused in anger? Then you wouldn't make a good elder and what you need to do is get yourself under control. You need to be vigilant about yourself because your attitude is not a spiritual one. Notice too that he is not self-willed. Some people want to become elders to impose their own will. Some people want to be an elder so they can be top dog and get their agenda implemented. That is what is meant by being self willed. It means being over-bearing. It means always pushing to have your own way. If you will take no other way but your way then you would not make a good elder<BR> Then he is to be sober. 1 Timothy 3:2 gives that characteristic. That means that he is to be serious minded, Now it does not mean that he is not able to enjoy a good joke. It does not mean that he has to go about with a permanent scowl on his face. But it does mean that he knows that the business of the work of God is a serious business. HE knows that we are dealing with eternal realities and that he takes the commands and precepts of God's Word seriously. He does not treat them lightly and he does not take it lightly when he sees violations of the Word of God. He is sober<BR> Then he is of good behaviour. The thought of being orderly would be a good translation of the word used here. He is a person who is organised in his thinking and his living. You know the old Methodists like Whitefield and Wesley had their days organised that there was no wasted time. They got up early and they used every waking moment. How we waste time don't we? You know we all think we are busy but somehow when an emergency crops up and we need to do more things we get everything fitted in. We waste time and then when it comes to reading the Word of God and prayer we feel we have no time. We need to organise ourselves and that's what good behaviour means in the context here. An elder should be like that. He makes good use of his time so that he is able to fit in the most important things which includes the worship of God. He will order himself so that he can get time with the Lord.<BR> Then he is Patient. we have dealt with this in some ways already but could I say that he should be patient in listening to people and he should be patient when people show faults to encourage them and get them into the right way. Things often do not happen overnight in the work of God. It takes the slow process of building line upon line and precept upon precept. I have seen people take up office in the work of God and they thought they could transform things overnight. But often times slow and steady is the right course. Sometimes the only way to turn a big ship around is to do it slowly because to do it too quickly would damage the ship. There are certainly things that need to be turned around but sometimes we just need to be patient.<BR> So there are definite indications of the character and the personality of the elder that we should take into account. But not only do we see the elder's personality but look at</P> <P><B>IV The Elder's Family</B><BR> The family of the elder is a factor that needs to be taken into account because the family will tell a lot about him. If a man cannot run his family then he is not going to be able to run the affairs of the Church.<BR> Notice that he is to be the husband of one wife. That is stipulated both in Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3. Now that indicates that the elder is going to be a man for a start . The Lord did only appoint men as his apostles and we read that an elder is to be a man so no matter about the fashions and women's lib we must go with the Scriptures. That does not mean that a woman is inferior any more than yo are inferior if you are not elected in this election. Please do not get the idea that this election is some kind of spiritual beauty contest. Different people have different talents and different roles but the Lord has said that the elder is to be the husband of one wife. Now that meant more in days when some people had more than one wife but it does help us to understand that the elder is a man. It does not mean however that the elder has to have a wife. He does not have to be married.<BR> But then he is also able to govern his children. Now some the greatest preachers have had chidden who were not saved. Probably it was because they were away from home too much but we also know that personalities are different. One child may be more difficult than another. However when none of the children have an interest in the things of God and perhaps despise the things of God it quite often is an indication of hypocrisy at home. Titus says that an elder should have <B>Believing children</B> His children, or many of them should be saved. A man who is an elder should set such an example in his home that many of his children come to know the Lord. So what is your home like, what is your family like? That is important too. The Elder's family. Then notice</P> <P><B>V The Elder's Spirituality</B><BR> There are a couple of particular spiritual qualities that an elder should have. First of all 1 Timothy 3:2 says he is to be <B>Apt to teach </B>and Titus 1 : 3 says that he should be<B> </B>Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers Now there are those who are specifically teaching elders and they are ministers or pastors but every elder should possess this ability to some extent. Now that does not necessarily mean that he should be able to preach although it would be good if he could. He may be better on a one to one basis. There are people who never have preached but they are great encouragers. We think of Barnabas who took Paul in when no other would and was always encouraging people. We think of Onesiphorus of whom Paul said that he <B>often refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain </B>They encourage other people. They are able to speak a wee word privately. That is a great ability on its own. But nobody will be able to teach unless they themselves are taught, unless they have a knowledge of spiritual things and a knowledge of the word of God. That is what is needed for an elder.<BR> Then there is one more thing. He is not a novice. A novice is literally one who is "newly planted" That does not necessarily mean that a young person cannot be an elder. It means that he is not one that is newly saved or who is a "babe in Christ" There are some people who grow very quickly in the grace of God and so it is very possible for a young person to be an elder but if a person is not sufficiently mature in the grace of God and if that person has not been tested it is very possible that having been lifted to office that they could get lifted up in pride and make a mess of themselves and the work. Are the people you are thinking of voting for spiritually mature enough to carry the office in the right way. They might be saved for years and yet be a spiritual novice.<BR> But do you see how many qualifications are needed to be an elder. We are aware that none of us are perfect but to be an elder you need the qualifications. We need men who care about the things of God and about the Work of God. We need men who will think of the work of God and how it should best be run and who are willing to give time to run it and build people up in the things of God and see precious souls saved. Now we have said that it is a good that a man desire the office of a bishop. If you do not have the qualifications now then make sure you have them when another election comes. But could I give a word of warning about electing someone on the basis that if they are elected they might be encouraged and attend meetings when they didn't before . No they need to have the qualifications now. Let us take this seriously and let us see the work of God go forward.</P> <P><A HREF="Coragarry%20sermon%20list"><B>Go Back to sermon list</B></A></P> <P><A HREF="index.html"><B>Go Back to homepage</B></A> </BODY> </HTML>