The River Dargle Quiz
- Many years ago hunters lived on the banks of the riverDargle. We know this because C--k--- P--s were found near the river.
- What was the river used for in Viking times? a B--nd--y.
- A Norman Knight called W--t-- de R---les---- built a big castle beside the river.
- Later a tannery was built an the river. What material is procossed in a tannery? L----er.
- Do you know the year King James the second stayed in Bray? 1---
- When Cromwell came to Bray he was riding a W---e Horse.
The Field Trip Quiz
- Who used the steps on the river wall?
- What happened at Horse Bridge?
- Why do you think this was a good name for the bridge?
- How high is the Powerscourt waterfwall?
- What would you see at the summit of Kippure Mountain?
- What is turf used for?
- What is a glacier?
- Why do we not have glaciers in Ireland Today?
- How is the water in Lough Bray blocked in?