One of the main concerns we had about moving up the hill to our new premises was the possibility of one of our pupils having an accident while leaving the school.  There was every reason to be concerned as the traffic warden would be further away than ever from the school gates.  The fact that we were closer to the Church Road junction didn't ease our worries either.  Regretfully, our fears have been well founded if we are to believe the reports of the many people who collect the pupils every afternoon.

Pupils have not really walked down to the Warden, nor have many of them taken due care when crossing the road, despite
repeated  warnings  from their teachers.

So, how can we ensure that an accident waiting to happen never occurs?  Warning our sons about the potential hazards is just a start.  Requesting the Council to either provide an extra Warden or even to move the present crossing point to be equidistant between both schools might help. 

However, should we not consider if we, as parents, are in any way contributing to the problem?  Can we really justify driving at speed down the school avenue to drop off our children while hundreds of other pupils are making their way down the hill?     What about parking at the school gate?  We all know by now that pupils coming out of the gate are blind to traffic exiting from Vevay Crescent, or approaching off the main road.     

Yet EVERYDAY there are cars blocking the way!!                                           

Of course, it is inconvenient to have to park a distance from the school gates.  However, many parents do, either along Church Road, or up in the Tesco car park.

So,  in the interests of all our children, including your own, do you not agree that their well-being and safety should be the priority for us all?  Parking at a junction is an offence, but more importantly, it could cause
your son a serious accident.