How do we provide these opportunities for the boys? Well, it is in a number of ways--sometimes it is purely financial to cover the cost of providing expertise (see article later in this issue re. The current fundraising for Football Coaching), other times we donate our own expertise (the Schools Website, for example, was created and managed by Mr John Chambers, a parent), and sometimes we use our influence to involve other people we know (the Corporate Golf Classic, for example, which will be featured next month). The aim of the school is to instil in each and every boy that he is an individual , with his own particular set of skills and abilities and that he is as much entitled to success as anyone else. Well, the same is true of parents, each one of us has something to give-- no matter how insignificant we feel that that contribution might be. We ask ALL parents to take the opportunity to help the School to grow--whether this is by supporting the fund-raising events or by offering your time to the School--it is all gratefully received. Overleaf is the structure of the Parents Activity Committee, and attached is an information sheet to help us to help you, the parents by organising Information Evenings on the various topics listed. Please spare a couple of minutes to fill in and return - even if you are not interested!!!