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Here are some questions to test your knowledge of Spanish Words
Objective: answer 7 questions correctly.

1. Warm Up: Which is the word for a hat?


2. La escalera means

the Lift
the Escalator
the Stairs
the Ladder

3. The window is

el jardin
la cocina
la ventana
el televisor

4. La mesa is

the door
the sofa
the chair
the table

5. The bed is

el dormitorio
la cama
el teléfono
la puerta

6. El dormitorio is

the bed
the roof
the bedroom
the telephone

7. The roof is

el tejado
el televisor
el garaje
la puerta

8. La puerta is

the window
the television
the door
the bed

9. The kitchen is

el cuarto de estar
el jardin
la cocina
la ventana

10. La Televisor is

the telvision
the bedroom
the garage
the roof