



On Sunday the 17th of September in Cusack Park Ennis Crusheen played Clooney in the Intermediate Hurling Final. Before the start of the match tempers flared and the referee handed out two yellow cards, one to Crusheen and one to Clooney. After 25 seconds Crusheen got a point from a free. After that Crusheen got 6 points and Clooney got 2 points (not in that order) to leave the score at half time Crusheen 7 points  Clooney 2 points. In the second half the tempo rose and Clooney played alot better. Crusheen though started off like they finished, with 3 points. Then Clooney came with a surge and scored 3 points, one after each other(one from a free). Crusheen then scored another point with Clooney getting two points. Crusheen's free taker added another. With about 5 minuts left Clooney got a free from the 21 yard line which Crusheen's goal keeper saved well. Crusheen got two more points on the trot to hold out in the end. Crusheen's win was on a scoreline of 14 points to 7. Crusheen's captain Cronan Dillon collected the cup from Clare County Chairman Fr. Micheal Mc Namara.   


Last modified: October 06, 2000