


Date of Birth:

Dublin, Ireland, 2/02/80


Music Technology Student / DJ

All Time Favourite Dance Track:

First life - Be one of us

All Time Favourite Non-Dance Track:

Pink Floyd - Money


I started becoming interested in music back when Michael Jackson was dancing
round a train station telling everybody how bad he was and ever since then
I’ve had very diverse musical taste. I always bought vinyl even then but I
had a nice collection of tapes which comprised of all sorts of pop (Kylie
Minogue etc.) a bit of rock and plenty of explicit rap tapes which my
friend bought off Shane Lynch (now of Boyzone) who was trying to be a DJ at the time.

Roll on 1994 when one sunny day I heard a mix tape from somewhere called the
Asylum by someone called DJ Pressure who was actually mixing records
together and everything seemed to be at the same speed and blending
beautifully - this was a revelation for me cause a whole new concept had
been brought to light - getting tunes that everybody knows and mixing them
together with other tunes so as to keep one continuous beat for people to
dance to. I know that this was hardly new in 1994 but it was the first time
I’d heard a mix and I’ll never forget it.

with the bit between my teeth and a new bug to explore I started going into
Abbey discs in the mall and just hanging around on Saturdays listening to
all these new records - the sort of music that I only thought existed on the
radio was staring at me from the racks and so I started to build up a
collection. I had 4 records in my collection (the grid - rollercoaster, mad
sound disease - moonboom, quench - dreams, liberation - liberation) when I
done my first party - it was in a shed with 7 people yoked out of their
heads and I had absolutely no idea what a mixer was. I carried on regardless
and figured out what the mixer did and I played every mix on those four
records for about 3 hours - quite an experience, at which point people were
coming down and puking and crashing and whatever else but I was wide awake
and I kept playing those records till the break of dawn regardless of who
was awake. I had found my calling.

My taste in music was heavy into classic house seen as I had pretty much
missed everything the first time around and I still love the classics but
break-beat and funkyness is my new calling - I have left progressive house
behind and have bored with trance. I now believe that the only music worth
listening to is music with soul, I don't really care what style it is - if
its got a feeling you can pick up on then I want a copy. I never liked the
idea of an eclectic DJ but its without choice that I’ve become one.

Future plans include getting my head around this whole production thing with
a view to releasing some nice music on the Impulsive label but this will not
be done until I feel that my demos have reached a standard that I can safely
say I will not be ashamed of in 5-10 years time. I would also like to focus
my attention back into DJing, which I have neglected for a little while but
I’m starting to pine for her now.

Club History:

Legends of Kildare, The Crypt, Good time Charles, The Dodge ( Donegal),
every function room/pub in the northside of Dublin and many beyond.