Chalmers Family Cork


Scotland Portraits



Esslemont/Barclay Families


This portrait I believe to be that


James Esslemont

son of

James and Hellen Esslemont

We do know that

the tall man at the back


George Esslemont

son of James Esslemont


                Helen Barclay



This is George Barclay,

brother of Helen Esslemont

above, his wife  Mary Paterson

and daughter Mary Ann.

George died at Charlesfield Cottage,


Mary at Nether Lenshie in Auchterless



Stone in Auchterless


James Esslemont and Helen Barclay,



                      their youngest son


                      Alexander Gray

Joseph Chalmers(1888) at back,

and the

Foggie Folk taken at

Mill of Forgue croft 1950.

The Foggie folk were the children of

Jean Barclay Esslemont sister of

MaryAnn Esslemont,

                 my father’s mother.

            They lived in Aberchirder (Foggie).

Kate Esslemont






George Esslemont and Jane Hall

Upperthird cottage,




Joseph Chalmers was born

George Esslemont (young)


George Esslemont (old)  


Nell Esslemont 1917

                     Marion Esslemont

daughters of George Esslemont above


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