ICDERA Publications

Keegan D, Founder and series editor of Open College of Further Education Distance Education Series:

Keegan D (ed) (1976) Choice of methods for a successful distance education system. Adelaide: Open College of Further Education. 23pp.

Keegan D (1976) Fifty years of distance education: Raywood 1976. Adelaide: Open College of Further Education. 12pp.
Keegan D (1977) Distance education at primary and secondary level in Australasia. ASPESA Newsletter, 3,4,12-17.

Founder and general editor 1977-1978 Close-up library of colour videotapes. 40 videotapes on English Literature, Classical Studies, European History, Australian History of 20 to 29 minutes each. Adelaide: Open CFE.

Keegan D (1977) Enjoying Virgil's Aeneid. 25 min colour videotape. Adelaide: Open CFE.

Doughty C and Keegan D (1977) Matriculation by correspondence. Adelaide: Open CFE. 22pp.

Keegan D (ed) (1977) TAFE distance education in South Australia. Adelaide: Open CFE. 36pp.

Behrens D and Keegan D (1978) Background to Classical Studies. Adelaide: Open CFE. 48pp.

Keegan D (1978) Virgil's Aeneid 1-8. Adelaide: Open CFE. 55pp.

Keegan D (1978) Close-up: South Australian videotape series. Pivot. 5,3,35-41.
Keegan D (ed) (1978) Course teams. Adelaide: Open CFE. 55pp.

Behrens D, Keegan D and Sear F (1978) Greek and Roman art and architecture. Adelaide: Open CFE. 40pp.

Keegan D (1989) Community education courses at the Open University. S A Teachers Journal, July.

Keegan D (1980) Drop-outs at the Open University. Australian Journal of Education, 24,1,23-35.

Keegan D (1980) On defining distance education. Distance Education, 1,1,13-36.

Keegan D (1980) The theory and practice of distance education. Adelaide: Open CFE. 160pp.

Keegan D (1980) Student support services and drop-outs at the Open University. Adelaide: Open CFE. 35pp.
Keegan D (ed) (1980) Teaching art and craft in geographically isolated areas. Adelaide: Open CFE. 35pp.
Keegan D (1980) Learning for to-morrow: the role of distance education. Open Campus, 3,1-12.

Keegan D (1980) On the nature of distance education. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 33). 44pp.

Keegan D (1981) The Regional Tutorial Services of the Open University: a case study. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 36). 27pp.

Keegan D (1981) Review of Cropley A (1979) Towards a system of lifelong education. International Journal of Education, XVIII, 3,357-359.

Keegan D (1981) Review of books on distance education. Australian Journal of Education, 25,3,315-316.

Keegan D (1981) Towards an International Council for Distance Education. ICCE Newsletter, 11,2,3-7.

Mielke W and Keegan D (1981) A distance teaching university. 35 min colour videotape. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZFE).

Keegan D (1982) Trends in distance education. In Daniel.J Stroud M and Thomson J (eds) Learning at a distance. A world perspective. Edmonton: Athabasca University/ICDE. 25-31.

Keegan D (1982) Supporting the adult learner in distance education. In Williams M (ed) Papers from the Open University senior counsellors' conference 1981. Milton Keynes: The Open University. 13-16.

Keegan D (1982) Distance education in Australian higher education. Paper presented at Karl-Marx University, Leipzig. 20pp.

Keegan D (1982) An introduction to distance education. Unit 1 of the Graduate Diploma in Distance Education. Adelaide: South Australian College of Advanced Education. 100pp, 1 videotape, 5 audiotapes.

Keegan D (1982) The Fernuniversität. In Rumble G and Harry K (eds) The distance teaching universities. London: Croom Helm, 88-106.

Rumble G and Keegan D (1982) Introduction. In Rumble and Harry (eds) as above, 9-14.
Keegan D and Rumble G (1982) Distance teaching at university level. In Rumble and Harry (eds) as above, 15-31.
Rumble G and Keegan D (1982) General characteristics of the distance teaching universities. In Rumble and Harry (eds) as above, 204-224.

Keegan D and Rumble G (1982) The distance teaching universities: an appraisal. In Rumble and Harry (eds) as above, 225-249. 

Keegan D (1983) Das Fernstudium in Australien. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 44) 26pp.

Keegan D (1983) Research and development in distance education. ICDE Bulletin, 2,13-15.

Keegan D (1983) Review of Daniel J et al (eds) Learning at a distance. A world perspective. International Review of Education, 29,4,501-503.

Keegan D (1983) Review of Townsend Coles E Maverick of the education family: two essays in non-formal education. Australian Review of Education, 27,3,332-333.

Keegan D (1983) Les universités ouvertes. DIRE. Bulletin d'Information du CNEC, 59,18-28.

Keegan D (1983) Six distance education theorists. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF). 39pp.

Sewart D, Keegan D and Holmberg B (eds) (1983) Distance education: international perspectives. London and New York: Croom Helm. 446pp. 2nd printing 1985.
Keegan D (1983) Theories of distance education. In Sewart, Keegan and Holmberg as above 63-67.

Keegan D (1983) Choice of medium: the new communications technology. In Sewart, Keegan and Holmberg (eds) as above, 267-271.

Keegan D e Lata F (eds) (1984) L'università a distanza. Riflessioni e proposte per un nuovo modello di università. Milano: Angeli. 173pp.

Keegan D (1984) Modelli sistemici di istruzione a distanza. In Keegan and Lata (eds) as above 16-29.

Lata F e Keegan D (1984) Proposte per un' università a distanza in Italia. In Keegan and Lata (eds) as above, 151-163.

Holmberg B and Keegan D (1984) Conference on independent study in Leipzig. ICDE Bulletin, 6,14-15.

Keegan D (1984) Evaluation of distance university systems. Paper presented to international conference on 'Students' independent and autonomous study' at Karl-Marx University, Leipzig, 27-28 April.

Keegan D (1984) ICDE Research in distance education. In Raggatt P and Harry K (eds) Trends in distance higher education. Milton Keynes: Open University, 1, 33-41.
Keegan D (1984) The administration of student support services at the Open University. The Journal of Educational Administration, 22,1,83-96.

Keegan D (1985) L'informatica nell' educazione: il contribuito del CUD. In Guzzardi R (ed) L'informatica in Calabria. Cosenza: UCAL.

Keegan D (1985) Review of Bates A Broadcasting in education: an evaluation. Distance Education, 6,2,256-258.

Keegan D (1986) Foundations of distance education. London and New York: Croom Helm. 282pp.

Keegan D (1987) Henri and Kaye's Le savoir à domicile. Distance Education, 8,1,102-105.

Keegan D (1988) From theory to practice. Planning a national distance education system. Symposium on distance education, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, March 26-28.

Keegan D (1988) Problems in defining the field of distance education. American Journal of Distance Education, 2,2,4-11.

Keegan D (1988) A theory for distance education. In Moore M (ed) The American symposium on research in distance education. University Park: Penn State University.

Keegan D (1989) Problems in defining the field of distance education. In Moore M and Clark C (eds) Readings in principles of distance education. University Park : Penn State University, 8-15.

Keegan D (1989) 1980 nian zhi 1990 nian jian xifang yuanjuli jiaoyu yanjiu (Western research on distance education 1880 to 1990). In Zhongguo Dianda Jiawyu (Chinese Journal of Distance Education) 4,12,20-25.

Keegan D (1990) Review of Garrison D, Understanding distance education. A way to the future. Distance Education, 11,1,173-5.

Keegan D (1990) Open learning: concepts and costs, successes and failures. In Atkinson R and McBeath C (eds) Open learning and new technology. Perth: ASET/Murdoch University, 230-243.

Keegan D (1990) Foundations of distance education. London and New York: Routledge. 2nd revised edition. 218pp. 2nd printing 1991. 3rd printing 1994.
Keegan D (1991) Australian external studies within a typology of distance education systems throughout the world. In Xie X (ed) Papers presented at international symposium on distance higher education Beijing 1989/ Guoji Yuanjuli Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiuhui Iunwen Ji Beijing 1989 Beijing: China Central Radio and TV University, pp 69-195.

Keegan D (1991) Research on distance education in the West 1880-1990. In Xie X (ed) as above pp 236-247.

Keegan D (1991) Xifung Yuanjuli Jiaoyu Lilun. (Western theories of distance education). In Xie X (ed) Guoji Yuanjuli Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiuhui Iunwen Ji Beijing 1989. Beijing: Central China Radio and TV University, pp 81-190.
Keegan D (1991) Designing distance educational materials. Unit 4, Module G of Masters of Education (Training and Development) of University of New England at Northern Rivers.

Keegan D (1991) Adult learners and distance education. Unit 2, Module F of Masters of Education (Training and Development ) of University of New England at Northern Rivers.

Keegan D (1991) Fernlehrforschung: Begriffsbestimmung und Arbeitsfelder. In Holmberg B und Ortner G (Hrsg) Fernlehre und Fernlehrforschung. Frankfurt am Main: Lang. pp 46-47.

Keegan D (1991) The study of distance education: terminology, definition and the field of study. In Holmberg B and Ortner G (eds) Research into distance education. Frankfurt am Main: Lang. pp 36-45.

Keegan D (1991) Un'analisi teorica dell'istruzione a distanza. Istruzione a Distanza, 3,3,25-30.

Keegan D (1991) Modelli e tecnologie dell'istruzione a distanza. Paper at Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' conference, 25 June.

Keegan D (1992) Lo studio dell'istruzione a distanza. Istruzione a Distanza, 6,1,33-39.

Keegan D (1992) Review of Istruzione a Distanza and Zhongguo Dian Shi Jiao Xu. Distance Education, 13,1,146-149.
Keegan D (1992) The theoretical underpinnings of distance education. In Ortner G, Graff K and Wilmersdoerfer (eds) Distance education as two-way communication. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, pp 76-87.

Keegan D (1992) Evaluation and assessment of distance education programmes. Unit 6, Module A of Masters of Education (Training and Development) of University of New England at Northern Rivers.

Keegan D (1992) La technologie éducative et la formation à distance: amies ou rivales? In Sauvé L (ed) La technologie éducative, d'hier à demain. Québec: Téléuniversité, pp 5-28.

Daniel J et Keegan D (1992) Systèmes de formation à distance. Maîtrise en formation à distance. Québec: Téléuniversité. 90 min videotape.

Keegan D (1992) La pédagogie dans la formation à distance. Maîtrise en formation à distance. Québec: Téléúniversité. 52 min videotape.

Keegan D (1992) L'enseignement à distance par la télévision bidirectionnelle. Maîtrise en formation à distance. Québec: Téléuniversité. 30 min videotape.
Keegan D (1992) Les médias dans la formation à distance: un regard vers le futur. Maîtrise en formation à distance. Québec: Téléuniversité. 30 min audiotape.

Keegan D (1992) Les systèmes d'éducation à distance et leur classification. Maîtrise en formation à distance. Québec: Téléuniversité. 23 min audiotape.
Keegan D (1992) Education nationale et formation à distance. Maîtrise en formation à distance. Québec: Téléuniversité. 28 min audiotape.

Harry K and Keegan D (1992) Studies in distance education. Paper presented to the 16th World ICDE Conference, Sukhothai Thammatirat Open University, Thailand, 9-13 November.

Keegan D (1992) Distance learning. Module 23 of MSc in the Practice of Education, University of Surrey at Guildford. 2 Vols, pp 95 and 426.

Keegan D (1993-) Founder and editor of Routledges Studies in Distance Education Series:

Keegan D (ed)(1993) Theoretical principles of distance education. London and New York: Routledge. pp 272.

Keegan D (1993) Reintegration of the teaching acts. In Keegan D (ed) as above 113-134

Harry K, John M and Keegan D (1993) Distance education: new perspectives. London and New York: Routledge. pp 348.

Keegan D (1993) Theory of distance education. In Harry K et al (eds) as above, 7-9.

Keegan D (1993) Media in distance education. In Harry K et al (eds) as above, 173-175.

Keegan D (1993) The study of distance education. In Harry K et al (eds) as above, 289-291.

Hussey C, Keegan D and Start P (1993)(eds) Certificate in Safety and Health at Work. Belfield: University College Dublin (AVC/UIP). 2 vols, pp 286 and 210.

Keegan D (1993) Review of Rumble G and Oliveira J Vocational education at a distance: international perspectives. Open Learning,8,1,64-66.

Keegan D (ed)(1994) The industrialization of teaching and learning. Otto Peters on distance education. New York and London: Routledge. pp 260.

Keegan D (1994) Conclusion: the German university ethos and distance education. In Keegan D (ed) as above. 241-252.

Keegan D (1994) Principi di istruzione a distanza. Firenze: La Nuova Italia. pp 217.

Keegan D (1994) Istruzione a distanza e università. Nuove possibilità applicative. Paper at Università di Macerata conference, 25 April.

Keegan D (1994) Teaching by satellite in a European virtual classroom. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 92). 17pp.

Keegan D (1994) Very large distance education systems: the case of China. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 94). 81pp.
Keegan D (1994) The competitive advantages of distance teaching universities. Open Learning, 9,2,36-39.

Keegan D (1995) Distance training in the European Union. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 95). 91pp.
Lockwood F and Keegan D (1995) Publishing in distance education: insights from the series editors. In Sewart D (ed) One world many voices: quality in open and distance learning. Birmingham: Open University/ICDE. Vol 1 pp 532-534.

Keegan D (1995) Distance education technologies for the new millenium: compressed video teaching. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 101). 46pp.

Keegan D (1995) Teaching and learning by satellite in a European virtual classroom. In Lockwood F (ed) Open and distance learning today. London and New York: Routledge. pp 108-118.

Keegan D (1996) Foundations of distance education. London and New York: Routledge. 3rd revised edition. 218pp.

Keegan D (1996) Entrevista. La formación a distancia: un recurso importante en la UE. Revista de Educación a Distancia, 18,5-10.

Keegan D (1996) Teaching by satellite in Europe. In Simon H (Hrsg.) Virtueller Campus – Forschung und Entwicklung fur Neues Lehren und Lernen. Münster: Wachmann. pp 65-76.

Keegan D (1997) Yuan Juli Jiao Yu Jichu(Foundations of distance education) Beijing: Central China RTV University. pp 180.

Keegan D (1997) The European distance training industry market. Proceedings of AECS conference. Oslo, May 21-23.

Keegan D (1997) Videotraining. Axiom, 6, 21-25.

Keegan D (1997) Teaching face-to-face at a distance. Proceedings of world ICDE conference, Pennsylvania State University, June 9-14.

Keegan D (1997) Dianda at the crossroads: the future of distance education in China. Hebei RTV University, Shijiazhuang.

Keegan D (1997) Distance training in the European Union. Brussels: European Commission, 100pp.

Keegan D (1997) Distance Education and training in Europe in Distance Learning and Supported Open learning Worldwide. Cambridge: Hobsons 

O Neill H and Keegan D (1997) L'enseignement à distance en Europe: panorama comparatif sur les principales réglementations (Comparative study of European legislation on distance training). Chambre Syndicale Nationale de L'enseignement privé a distance conference. Paris, 28 November 1997.

Keegan D (1998) The two modes of distance education. Open Learning, November, 25-29.

Keegan D (1998) Distance education: the world's best hope for lifelong learning in the 21st century. Proceedings of International Open and Distance Learning Symposium, Shanghai, 15-17 April 1998 (published in Chinese in Open Education Research March 1998).

Keegan D (ed) (1998) Yuan Juli Jiaoyu Lilung (Theoretical Principles of Distance Education). Beijing: CRTVU. 200 pp
Keegan D (1998) Individualisation of learning: a trump card of distance systems. Istruzione a Distanza  10/11, 35-42.

Keegan D, Fritsch H and Vertecchi B (1998) Development of Knowledge in the Field of Vocational Training at a Distance in the European Union. Dublin: Distance Education International Ltd, 1050pp

Keegan D (1998) Seamless interfaces: from distance education to web based training.
Istruzione a Distanza , December 1999.

 Keegan D (1998) Designing a web based training system. http://www.nettskolen.nki.no/eeileo/research/project.htm.

Keegan D (1998) European distance training in its global context. Istruzione a Distanza, 12, 60-65.

Keegan D, O'Neill H and Leath T (1998) Communication for the New Millennium, Dublin: Distance Education International Ltd.

Keegan D (1999) Yuan Juli Jiaoyu Yan Jiu (The study of distance education). Shijiazhuang: Hebei RTV University. 165 pp

Dunne D and Keegan D (1999) The didactic value of internet telephony.

Keegan D (1999) Distance training: harbinger of the new millennium. Grundlelung Der Weiterbildung 3, 1, 21-28.

Weidenfeld G et Keegan D (eds) (1999) L'enseignement à distance à l'aube du trosiéme millènaire. Poitiers: CNED, 360 pp.

Keegan D (1999) Distance education models at the dawn of the third millennium: the success of the CNED model in Weidenfeld G et Keegan D (eds) as above pp 39-50.

Keegan D (ed) (2000) Yuan Juli Jiaoyu (Theoretical Principles of Distance Education). Beijing: CRTVU, 298pp.

Keegan D (2000) Yuancheng Jiaoyu Yanjin (The Study of distance education). Shijiazjhuang: Hebei Scientific and Technology Press, pp184.

Keegan D (2000) Distance training: taking stock at a time of change. London:Routledge, 152pp. (Routledge/Falmer Studies in Distance Education Series Vol 15).

Keegan D (2000) Les modèles d'enseignement à distance à l'aube du troisième millenaire in Chantiers, Publics et metiers de l'Enseignement à Distance au seuil de l'an 2000. Poitiers: CNED. Tome 1 pp 27-34.

Keegan D (2000) From d-Learning, to e-Learning, to m-Learning in Proceedings of 40th anniversary celebrations of Shanghai TV University. 24-28 April 2000, Shanghai, China.

Keegan D (2000) Learning portals: from e-Learning to m-Learning IMQC Conference, London 31 August - 1 September 2000.

Keegan D, Leath T, Jones S and Harrison R (2000) Business development through the internet and information technologies Dublin: DEI. 2 Vols 80 pp and 102 pp.

Keegan D (2000) The future of learning. From d-learning to m-Learning 111 Biennale Internazionale Sulla Didattica Universitaria, Padova, 25-27 ottabre 2000.

Keegan D (2000) University distance education in Europe at the dawn of the third millennium in Leonarakis A (ed) Themes and issues in distance education. Patros; Greece: HOU.

Keegan D (2000) Globalisation of distance learning: challenges in the new millennium in Venegopal Reddy and Manjulika S (eds) Globalisation of open and distance learning: challenges in the new millennium. New Dehli: IGNOU.

Keegan D, Leath T and Harrison R (2001) Developing information and communications technology expertise for micro SMEs. Dublin: DEI, pp 90

Keegan D (2001) Oi Basikes Arxes tns Avoiktns kai ex Apostaseos Ekpaideusns (Foundations of distance education). Athens: Metaixmio, pp251

Keegan D (2002) The future of learning. From eLearning to mLearning. Hagen: FernUniversität. http://learning.ericsson.net/leonardo/book.html. pp172

Paulsen M, Keegan D et al (2002) Web-Education systems in Europe. Hagen: FernUniversität. pp166

Keegan D et al (2002) e-Learning: o Papel des sistemas de Gestão da Apredizagem na Europa. Lisbon: INOFOR pp 284

Keegan D (2003) Pedagogy and support systems in e-learning. http://learning.ericsson.net/socrates/product1.shtml

Keegan D et al (2003) Student Support Services in e-Learning. Hagen: FernUniversität. pp 126