Simrad IS15 Instrument System


The main feature of the IS15 system is the ease with which it can be installed, either as a stand-alone instrument or as part of a full data system. Designed for both power and sail, IS15 instruments interpret information transmitted directly from the transducers. The sensor cable is connected to the IS15 instrument that in turn determines which transducer is connected and automatically configures to the input and displays the appropriate data.

For sailing yachts, the stand-alone ‘wind’ system incorporates a lightweight, masthead transducer that provides wind speed and angle to the IS15 analogue instrument heads. A helm pod can also be used to accept the Simrad IS15 system when fitted to larger, wheel steering yachts.

The units have been designed to be robust and watertight to withstand the extremes of the environments in which they will be used. Double-glazing and air breathing casings eliminate misting and prevent water ingress. Large LCD displays with analogue styling displays are back-lit and the crisp digits can be viewed from acute angles even in bright sunlight. The robust construction will withstand most of the inevitable knocks of a working cockpit.