Welcome to this collection of travel stories and pictures, all hastily thrown together in the hostels and campsites of East Asia and Australia. You can read my rough-and-ready travel diary which will tell you where I am now and where I've been since November '99. And you can read some more thought-out travel stories which I have been writing and rewriting ever since I left. Some of these, and much of the diary, has been written after the fact and I have been making use of my notes and photographs to aid me in recreating the atmosphere.
If you love my work, or if you hate it, or if you just like the idea of getting your name on the world-wide-web, please sign my guestbook. If you want to see what everyone else wrote, feel free to read the guestbook
This site is pretty-well 1999/2000 focussed. If you're interested in previous trips to Turkey, or Nepal, or in Genealogy or other bric-a-brac, take a look at here: my other Home Site.
Visitors since July 26, 2000: