Family Life in East Clare

Introduction Houses Furniture Hearth &Home Lighting
Food Potatoes Killing the Pig The Dairy A Womans Role
Washday Clothes School Religion Entertainment
Weddings & Wakes Superstitions The Farm Haymaking The Bog
The Fair Day Emigration Travel Health A Personal Experience


Family Life in East Clare, as in all other parts of Ireland, has changed dramatically in the last hundred years. The following is material collected from various archival sources, in an attempt to give historical background. The people, books and articles mentioned in the acknowledgements and bibliography have been of great benefit to me in my research. I interviewed Seamus O'Donnell from Currakyle, a townland near Flagmount and heard first-hand what life was like for him, growing up here. In my own lifetime to date, there have been many changes and when I have told my own children of my childhood, their reactions have been of astonishment. To my youngest son in particular, it seems like I lived in the Dark Ages. He cannot visualise a time without TV, Playstations and stereos and all the other modern appliances, which to him are part and parcel of everyday living; but to myself, are the luxuries that I grew up not knowing and therefore, don't take for granted. As part of this project on life in East Clare in the past, I thought it might be a good idea to include my personal experience of Family Life, as I would have seen some of "the old ways". Life here was fairly typical of life anywhere in rural Ireland at that time. Mine was a very ordinary childhood, in fact nothing special. Hopefully, you will get some enjoyment from reading this booklet.
