Edmund Rice Primary School

Meet Chris --:

chris3.jpg (10939 bytes)Name --: Chris Sheldon

Age --: 8

Hair --: Light Brown

Eyes --: Blue

Class --: 3rd

My Favourite Food --: Pizza

My Favourite TV Show --: Disney

My Favourite Video --: Highlander

My Favourite Computer Program --:  Dinosaur 3-D ROM

My Favourite pop group--: 'Nsync'

Food I dislike most --: Broccoli

Things which annoy me --: My brother(sometimes)

Spare time at home --: I like to read a good book. I also like to play with my laptop. Laptops are very useful .

Outdoor Activities--: sport, Ælubs etc. Geography and Math club. I also like to play basketball, hockey, soccer, and football. In fact I like all sports

Family --: My Mother works at Cottage Hospital. Dad also works there. I have one  brother who is four year old.

Describe your house? --: We live in a white one-story house. It has 3 bedrooms in it.

Describe your room? -- I have a bunk bed in my room. I also have a desk to write at. I have posters on the walls. I have a collection of Bulls things.

Describe your neighbourhood? --:
  I live right in East Galesburg. Several of my friends live nearby. There aren't any stores here, just two bars, and the post office. I like where I live.