Edmund Rice Primary School

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ivy3.gif (25749 bytes)Hi, my name is Ivy Hillman

I am a pupil of Raymond Marquith School. I get up at 6 a,m. to get ready for school. For breakfast I sometimes
have Captain Crunch. After I get dressed my Mother brings me to school. It doesn't take very long for us to get here. I usually arrive about 8:20 and class takes up at 8:30.

The first thing we do in the morning is oral language, calendar, this day in history, and oral georgraphy. Then we do
spelling. We get a break at 10:00 on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. On
indoor recess days I like to play Battleship and draw. My favorite subject
in school is Math.

ivy5.jpg (17906 bytes)We are now doing multiplication and geometry We have
lunch at 11:05. I usually bring my lunch. I bring sandwich, chips, juice
box, and dessert like pudding and jello. During lunch break on outside
recess days I go down the slide and hang up side down on the bars.

I really like to read. My favorite book is Hiccups for Elephants. Sometimes
I have homework. Usually it is on Friday. It doesn't take very long for
me to do the work. School is out at 3:15 and my Mom picks me up.
Some things in school that annoy me is when kids ask me to trade pencils,people wanting to play what they want to and I don't want to.

I really like to see my friends at school. I like to study for tests. I like
geometry and multiplication. I have geometry on my computer at home.
My teacher is nice.

Ivy Hillman 

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