Edmund Rice Primary School

Meet Jacklyn --:

jacylyn3.gif (20733 bytes)Name --:
Jaclyn Ramona                      Thompson         
Age --: 8

Hair --: Dark brown

Eyes --: Brown

Class --: 3rd grade

My Favourite Food --: Pizza

My Favourite TV Show --: Fullhouse

My Favourite Video --: Itchy and Scratchy,

My Favourite Computer Program --: Space Jam

My Favourite pop group --: 'Nsync

Food I dislike most --: Tomatoes

Things which annoy me --: My brother.

Spare time at home ? I like to work on math skills using the computer. I feel it improves my Math. I can work at my own pace.

Outdoor Activities--: I joined the Math Club and Geography club. I also play soccer, golf. I am in 3rd place in the All City Jr. Golf league.

Family --: My mother is a dental hygienist. My father owns a company called Atlas and drives around in trucks. I have one stepbrother, one brother, one half-sister and a dog.

Describe your house ? --: It is a big three-story home (New). It has white siding, a big porch, and an attached garage.
It overlooks Lake Rice.

Describe your room  --:It is the second biggest room in our house. I got a dresser and for Christmas I got a new desk. I have posters of Michael Jordan, a basket full of cats, a dog, and "Nsync"

Describe your neighbourhood ? --: I live in a subdivision that sits on a hill that overlooks Lake Rice. There are no sidewalks. The homes are all new. They just started building a new house across the street from us at the moment.

Jacklyn Thompson