Meet Sally Nelson --:
Sally Nelson is the Third Grade teacher in Raymond Marquith School
and has been teaching for the past 29 years. She hopes to retire in the year 2000,after 30
years service. She has taught grade school, junior high language arts,Special education,
and at the Junior College and also at Monmouth College.
She lives on a farm near Galva,with her husband Harlan. Both like to travel and they
plan to do a lot more travelling when she retires. Maybe a visit to Ireland is on
the cards, as her first husband Bob, who passed away ten years ago, was an Irish American.
His mother was a Rice from Waterford. We are still trying to find out if there is a
connection with Edmund Rice, founder of the Irish Christian Brothers and patron of the
school and her late husband's family.
Sally lives 29 miles from where she teaches in East Galesburg. She has a son Mark, who
lives in Chicago and got married to Mindy on Sept. 6th. 1998. Sally has many interests.
is very involved in the Galva Historical Society and does research for people about the
area. She is also President of the Galva Arts Council which sponsors many fine arts
activities in Galva. She has been spending a lot of time lately doing genealogy of her
family. She also enjoys playing the keyboard after the stresses and strains of a day in
the classroom.
She has been working with information technology for a number of years and enjoyed a joint
internet project last year with Edmund Rice Primary School, through the World Wide
Classroom. Since getting the Internet at home she has become more confident with
technology .She is delighted to be involved in this "Information Age Project"
and loves to receive messages from across the Atlantic.