Edmund Rice Primary School

Meet Samantha --:

sami3.jpg (10843 bytes)Name --: Samantha Rice

Age --: 9

Hair --: Light brown

Eyes --: Hazel

Class --: 3rd

My Favourite Food--: Pizza

My Favourite TV Show --:
                                         Full House

My Favourite Video --: Parent Trap

My Favourite Computer Program --: Oregon Trail

My Favourite pop group --: I don't have one

Food I dislike most --: sausage/sauerkraut

Things which annoy me  --: Guinea pig

Spare time at home  --: I like to read and play on the computer. I like to jump on my trampoline when the weather is nice. It is great fun.

Outdoor Activities--: I like to jump on trampoline. I like to play in the snow building snow forts. My Dad and I built one last year and it caved in on me.

Family --: My Mom fixes computers. Dad works at Norwest Hydro line and he fixes hydrolic equipment. I have no brothers or sisters.

Describe your house --: It is a red sided one-story house. I live in East Galesburg. We have two bedrooms.

Describe your room  --: In my room I have a computer, T.V. and VCR. My room is white. As I am an only child I do not share with anyone. I can also watch whatever I want, when I want.

Describe your neighbourhood? --: We have sidewalks in our area where I live. We live next to a person who is redoing their house. Most of the people are older, but a classmate Holly lives across the road.
