IT IS easy to define a terrorist as one doing violence for no purpose other than to terrorise. A State terrorist is involved in terror to destabilise and control a society until it is beaten into submission called peace, The "United Kingdom" is a terrorist State in the true sense of the word and it venomous actions in Ireland prove it time and again. The United States as policy, has excused British conduct and continues to do so, but we the people of the United States do not excuse or in any way want to condone by implication the despicable conduct of our government. Therefore, we, who are the legitimacy from which government flows cite and indict the "United Kingdom" and further designate it as a terrorist State (8 USCA 8I) under Section 302 of the Amended Immigration and Nationality Act. The British government is, of itself, through its organs, the British army, the Royal Ulster Constabulary, and attending arms of collusion acting in the capacity of agents, a foreign terrorist organisation(s). It is therefore indicted and designated by us, the people of the United States, specifically the Irish American community, a foreign terrorist organisation and a terrorist State. The British government and its agents are foreign organisations engaging in terrorist activity and which threatens the security of United States nationals.Many of us have been threatened by British agents. In many cases these threats have occurred in Ireland but other threats have occurred in the United States. It has been documented that British agents operating with the FBI interrogated Irish Americans and others sympathetic to Irish Republican views. There have been some mysterious killings over the past 30-odd years that we know were initiated by the British. They act many times without US law enforcement personnel and make threats on their own. Action must be instituted to protect the welfare of the Irish in the US, especially those who have relatives in Ireland who have been used as pawns in the British "dirty tricks" department. Let this article be public notice of the designation of the British government and its agent organisations and individuals as terrorist to be treated accordingly. The United States government has too often designated organisations as terrorist that do not in any way pose a threat to the national security of the US nor are they a threat to US nationals. ABSURDIt is absurd to consider any Irish group as a threat to US nationals and the impetus comes from those sources who are attempting to divert attention away from themselves. As stated, the British are a threat to US nationals who battle British actions on Ireland. Since the British government is a terrorist organisation action cited by law must be taken against it. The Secretary of the Treasury in the US must require US financial institutions possessing or controlling any assets of the "United Kingdom" to block all financial transactions involving those assets until further notice. An administrative record must be created on the terrorist State, the "United Kingdom". All US law enforcement groups must monitor the activities in the US of the "United Kingdom". Any member of the Irish American community and others aware of the terror activities of Britain should report such to the US Secretary of State who must take the submissions as classified information to be acted upon. We the people are the source of this designation and the Government is meant to serve us. The Secretary must act or be considered in abuse of authority. Certainly, if a foreign source can request designation, we the people must be accorded the same right. For the next two years, then subject to review, the British must be treated as a terrorist organisation. The US government when left to its own initiative will not move on a nation-state unless that state is politically offensive to US foreign policy purposes. THOSE in power in the USA refuse to acknowledge that certain allies are capable of activity normally associated with dictatorships and authoritarian rule where abuse is the norm. This especially true of the British whose propaganda portrays it as the closest ally of the US and its motherland. England is no motherland of mine nor is it that of any Irish man or woman. It is an imperial country that uses terror at its convenience, and the US government will not move against the British so the people must. The law must be applied equitably if it is not simply a political tool of convenience. If it truly is meant to protect the security of the USA in wartime then Britain is designated not any Irish group. After all, history shows that the Irish have never done any act which threatens US security. On the other hand, the British have helped enemies of the US throughout its history. As a Vietnam-era Veteran I am particularly appalled at the fact that British flag vessels carried more than 50% of the weapons into Haiphong Harbour to be used to kill US soldiers. Where is the special relationship in that act? To me, you can impute that the British are logically responsible for over 50% of the US deaths in Vietnam. In the two World wars they allowed vessels to be sunk with US citizens (and their own) aboard to lure and succour America into the war on their side. The British always maintain a friendly face to the US but behind the scenes they play games, deadly games. Those are games of terror. They are master spies, who have the US covered on that score with operaters everywhere reporting to them, The British control US foreign policy because they help make it by use of people planted in the US Department of State, a bastion of Anglophiles. They are more than willing to help London in its endeavours. Any fundraising by any British organisation in the United States is prohibited by the people designating them a terrorist organisation. If caught, action should be taken against them. British terror tactics are no new phenomena. They have used such brutality and inhumane conduct throughout the former British Empire around the world. The United States was once part of that Empire and in no way escaped British terrorism. During the Revolution their own soldiers as well as paid agents destroyed property, tortured and murdered civilians. After the Revolution, British terrorists plagued US settlers in the rural western regions of the new nation. British terrorists at sea began kidnapping American seamen and placing them in forced service. This led to another war with Britain 1812-14. It was then incursions on US settlers as far west as what is now Montana, Washington and Oregon saw more acts of terrorism. During the Mexican War, there were British mercenaries advising the Mexicans on terror tactics. The Civil War saw them again in action up to the same tricks. We have mentioned many times their use of terror tactics against Irish Americans. Prior to World Wars I & II and their agents are operating in the States as this is being read. British agents/terrorists are a threat to US citizens and resident aliens and this is a threat to US national security even though successive administrations have permitted it. No one deserves designation as a foreign terrorist organisation more than the British and so we the people so designate. This is action similar to that taken by the Americans in the Declaration of Independence when they had nowhere to turn for help so they empowered themselves. WRIT OF MANDAMUSIn legal terms a "writ of mandamus orders someone to do what they are supposed to do. We the people order the US government to do what we have done - designate the British government, related agencies and supporting institutions as foreign terrorist organisations and take action against them. Under US jurisdiction who finances the move in any way gives any of them material aid starting with the government itself. It is time to stop the US cover-up of British atrocities in Ireland and threats in the US itself. The United States should exclude any British representatives by denying them visas. There is more here than just a cover-up, in fact, many US officials have assisted the British in material ways. This must stop. During the latest war in Ireland back to 1970, the British have committed war crimes. Let the US bring a case against the British as war criminals before the World Criminal Court. Far fetched? Perhaps! Crazy? No! Why? Because the British are guilty and it has been conveniently put aside by the so-called "peace" process. What about all of Britain’s victims? Someone must speak for them. The British hold the North by force so they are the aggressors and the Irish are the victims. There is no room to debate that. By designating the British as terrorists, we are s creaming out for justice for all the victims of the British presence in Ireland. You don’t have to wander too far to surmise why the US is less critical of the British than of other nations. It is simply that the US has done some of what the British have done and take their lead from the British. Moral outrage will not come from US leaders unless a significant portion of the people demand it. Too many Irish Americans have bought the line of those in power who have sold the prospect of "peace" as an end unto itself. This is bogus. Those who sell peace do not want to do the difficult task of enabling justice to be victorious. That demands that the British leave Ireland, and US leaders are scared to deal with that issue head on. But really, that is the only issue worth discussing. In the 1970s and early 1980s, Irish Americans looked upon the Irish Republican Movement for direction, but when the Provos split off and defected slowly to the Alliance with the SDLP, the Irish American community went the easy route because it was more glamorous politically. They gave up the struggle to attain justice and when a coalition of the Free State, SDLP, Provos, John Hume, Gerry Adams and Ted Kennedy prevailed on new President Bill Clinton to get involved, they needed a very uncontroversial lead issue, that being peace at any price. Now the many Irish Americans who once followed the Republican Movement follow the "peace" movement yet disillusion themselves into believing they are still following the Republicans. There is an immense distinction between true Republicans and sell-out Republicans. We the people who give support to true Republicans designate the British as foreign terrorists to be treated as such. Further, those who give aid and comfort to the British extended family are fellow-travellers of terrorists.
Victims and advocates for such victims in the persona of Republican Sinn Féin can never be designated. Because we the people deign it so.
![]() Web layout by SAOIRSE -- Irish Freedom February 6, 2001 Send links, events notifications, articles, comments etc, to the editor at: marked "attention web-editor". |