A chara
I refer to letters from Des Dalton and Nora Lynch in the
December issue of SAOIRSE
concerning the proposed re-internment of the ten Irish Republican Army Volunteers executed and still buried in Mountjoy jail.
The National Graves Association is very pleased that the authorities have at last agreed to release the Volunteers remains, the Association having made constant application in this regard, on their relatives behalf, for many years.
Regarding the funeral arrangements for the Volunteers -- these are matters upon which their relatives must decide.
The National Graves Association will not, however, be in any way involved in proceedings which would compromise our guiding principle, from which we have not deviated since our foundation in 1926.
If an impression to the contrary was given in the radio interview with a spokesman for the relatives to which your correspondents referred, then I am glad of this opportunity to clarify the Association’s position.
National Graves Association
74 Dame Street
Dublin 2
A chara
John Reid, Peter Mandelson, Mo Mowlam, who cares! Brits Out! Hail to the freedom fighters who have kept faith in the All-Ireland Republic.
Ballymun, Dublin
A chara
This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the hunger strikes in Long Kesh in which ten brave, selfless patriots died rather than be branded criminals by the British government.
Due to the anniversary I have found a big increase in interest in republican matters throughout my area. I have had discussions with quite a few people in my area, South County Dublin, in which people who only before spoke occasionally on Republicanism and the National Question have now begun to speak frequently on the subject.
In the course of these conversations I have made comparisons with the struggle and objectives of the hunger strikes and the struggle taking place inside Irish prisons. The majority of people I spoke to did not seem to realise that there was a struggle taking place inside the prisons today; that Republican prisoners were being denied political status. After I had spoken to these people I found them very much sympathetic towards the prisoners and also expressing support for their stand and also the stand being taken by Republican Sinn Féin.
I do realise that all true Republicans are working hard to raise awareness for the prisoners and their plight, but in this year I feel we have a real opportunity to raise awareness to new heights. Let us all pitch in and do our best. A bit of hard work in the next few months will really make a lot of difference.
Tiocfaidh Ár Lá.
Seanchill, Co BhÁC
A chara
Now as we are commemorating the 20th anniversary of the death of the H-Block Martyrs who gave their young lives on hunger strike in 1981 a young Belfast Republican was on hunger strike in Portlaoise jail to regain what was taken from political prisoners when the Stormont Agreement was signed -- parole to be at the bedside of family members who are seriously ill, not parole when they are in a coffin.
This brings back memories of another Belfast man who died in Portlaoise on hunger strike in 1946, Seán McCaughey. At his inquest the coroner said he would not see a dog die like him. Danny McAllister was in the bunker of the jail on his hunger strike.
I would call on all Republicans to condemn the Free State minister for justice John O’Donoghue for forcing Danny McAllister into this protest and remember, Danny took this stand for all Republicans as did Bobby Sands.
A chara
On behalf of the Pádraig Ó Pearaill Cumann, Republican Sinn Féin, Wexford, I wish to inform you of our upcoming Parle/Hogan/Creane comm-emoration.
This is to be held on Sunday, March 11, 2001. All interested parties should assemble at the Old Gaol, Hill Street, Wexford ar 2,45pm, ceremony to begin at 3pm.
Pádraig Ó Pearaill Cumann
A chara
The Comdt-General Tom Maguire Republican Flute Band is now opened for new members who are willing to learn the flute or drums. We are also opened to any ex-band members who are willing to play or help out with the band.
The band is based at 229 Falls Road, beside Beechmount, but our members come from all across the city.
We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all our supporters at home and in America who have kept us going over the past year.
Comdt-General Tom Maguire RFB
229 Falls Road
A chara
In this the 20th year when we commemorate those ten so very brave men, it is important to support all Republican prisoners. Danny McAllister, on hunger strike in Portlaoise, was striding in the footsteps of so many before him through the years.
You would have thought by now the 26-County administration and its British counterparts would have realised that each denied request, each vindictive act does not destroy Republicans, it strengthens their resolve, drawing others to the continuing struggle against injustice and the denial of human rights.
They must have very short memories. Perhaps we can re fresh it for them by re-iterating the words spoken by Pearse at the graveside of O’Donovan Rossa:
”Life springs from death, and from the graves of patriot men and women spring living nations . . . The defenders of this realm think they have pacified Ireland, but the fools, the fools, the fools, they have left us our Fenian dead, and while Ireland holds these graves, Ireland unfree shall never be at peace.:
A chara
For over 30 years we were told by the Provisionals leadership that there is no British justice. Now the same Provos are going to court and asking a British judge for justice.
The only difference between the years gone by and now I see,is the Provos are now implementing British rule and British justice in the Six Counties, shooting and crippling young nationalists and they receive their wage-packets for their two Crown ministers from Westminster, as do the Crown judges who they are now asking for justice from.
Now we hear the Queen of England will allow four men on the run in the Free State for 20 yeays back home. A Queen responsible for every death carried out in the Six Counties by live bullets, plastic bullets, rubber bullets, hunger strikes, loyalist death squads and bombs in the 26 Counties. She honoured the soldiers who did all of these terrible crimes to Irish people.
Mr McGuinness, there is no British justice for Irish people. They will pay you well and give you a nice car and call you Mr Minister and eventually call you Lord McGuinness but Partition will stay.
A chara
The press frequently contains articles on the situation regarding asylum seekers fleeing political and religious persecution.
I for one support these people as so many people from our own country have had to flee through the centuries.
While supporting these freedom seekers we should recognise the very things they are fleeing are alive and well in our own country, the persecution by the State of Republican prisoners in Portlaoise and elsewhere, denied of political status and refused ordinary human rights.
While accommodating escapers from brutal regimes, let us not forget our own prisoners of conscience and lobby and support them whenever we can, highlighting the hypocrisy of the Leinster House incumbents.
A chara
Through a partnership between the public and private sectors, the Irish economic boom now seems to gathering steam in the Six north-east Counties. By offering economic enhancements, American companies will be taking a serious look into tapping a rather attractive business
Foreign business investments in the northeast will have far-reaching effects. Such as providing much-needed capital, employment, and positive social considerations. The outcome on personal levels for the employed would be a feeling of self-worth, pride and a sense of purpose. All good things, but at what cost?
Capital flowing into the northeast will only further entrench the status quo and give the false impression that society is approaching the norm. Business investment is a vote of confidence to an ill-contrived governmental system in Belfast, which is a selfish, self-serving ego-infested pit of politicians, whose right honourable members try to govern a people when their minds are clouded with deceit, contempt, sectarianism, and power. How can confidence honestly be perceived when the power behind the power is England? When they can at a stroke of a pen lapse "Northern Ireland" into direct rule from London. Let me ask who controls whose destiny.
Now is the time for investments, but let us invest and seek leaders who can lead, inspire, stand up and speak the truth and say what needs to be said! Is it not the Republican goal to have a free land unemcumbered by an occupying foreign country? Is it not a Gaelic island we seek? By further enhancing and legitimising the current situation in Ulster will only make the real goal that much harder to achieve.
Ohio, USA
A chara
With such a friend as NATO who needs and enemy?
Co Westmeath
![]() Web layout by SAOIRSE -- Irish Freedom February 6, 2001 Send links, events notifications, articles, comments etc, to the editor at: saoirse@iol.ie marked "attention web-editor". |