“Last March the US government revealed its plans. It makes clear that it intends to act in an aggressive and direct manner on a global basis for all regions of the world. The United States, as the most important and successful economy in the world, sees itself as in a strong position to use its powers of persuasion and influence to push forward its programme. It makes clear that in spite of the substantial opening up in the markets which has been achieved in recent years, there still remain too many barriers to the exports of goods and services from the United States around the world. This is disturbing language.
“In addition to this, in September 1995, on the initiative of the United States, in spite of the existence of the World Trade Organisation - consisting of 132 countries in various states of development - discussions began in the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an exclusively First World Club, to develop a Multilateral Agreement on Investment.
“For reasons which are clearly related to national sovereignty, the subsequent idea of discussing this agreement within the World Trade Organisation met fierce opposition from many members of the organisation at the Ministerial Conference in Singapore in December 1996. But the agreement reached at this conference did not prevent the OECD, consisting as I said of developed countries, from continuing to negotiate the Multilateral Agreement on Investment.
“In the last few years, the United States has passed more than 40 laws and Executive Orders to apply unilateral economic sanctions against 75 nations which represent 42 per cent of the population of the world. The US has achieved almost everything which it intended to achieve through the agreements that gave rise to the WTO, and especially through the General Agreement on Services, a long standing dream of theirs.
“The case is similar in the agreements on intellectual property relating to trade, an area in which it holds a privileged position, thanks to its technological development and its systematic draining of the best brains of the world. Some of its patents have established exclusive rights for 50 years. Now other agreements have been reached which are of further great benefit to the United States.
“In addition, the US has the remarkable privilege of printing the money in which most foreign currency reserves are kept in central banks and commercial bank deposits throughout the world. While being the country whose citizens save the least, its transitional companies buy out the riches of the world with the money which is saved by the citizens of other countries, and with the notes which have been printed without the gold-backing agreed at Bretton Woods, which was unilaterally eliminated in 1971.
“New subjects for discussion in the WTO introduced by wealthy countries threaten the chances of developing countries to compete in conditions already so difficult and unequal that they will doubtless serve as a perfect pretext for the establishment of non-tariff barriers or inhibit the access of developing countries’ products to the market.
“Third World countries have gradually lost everything: tariffs which protected developing industries and generated income, agreements on basic products, associations of producers, indication of prices, preferential treatment, or any mechanism to protect the value of their exports and to encourage development.
“What are we being offered? Why is no mention made of the unjust and unequal terms of trade? Why do we no longer mention the unbearable weight of foreign debt? Why do we no longer mention the unbearable weight of foreign debt? Why is the developed countries’ aid for development being cut?
“If all the developed countries did the same as Norway, the countries of the Third World could expect $200 billion for development. Norway’s example should be followed.
“How are we going to live? What goods and services are we going to export? What industrial products are they going to leave for us? Only low-technology and labour-intensive and highly-polluting products?
“Is some attempt being made to turn most of the Third World into a huge free-trade zone, full of maquiladoras who will not even pay taxes? Why is the greatest economic power in the world obstructing the entry into the WTO of China, which has one-fifth of the inhabitants of the planet? Why is it obstructing the entry of Russia and other countries?
“No nation, great or small, can or should be excluded from this important institution or have their entry subjected to humiliating conditions.
“The developing countries cannot allow ourselves to be divided. Unity is the only asset we have, the only guarantee of our legitimate aspirations. Those of us who were colonies only yesterday and who are today still suffering the consequences of backwardness, poverty and under-development, are the majority of this organisation. Each of us has a vote, no one has the right to a veto, and we must convert it into an instrument of struggle for a better and more just world.
“In the midst of so much euphoria, no one can guarantee the economic system of the United States governed by the blind laws of the market.
“Now, any great crisis will be a global one and would have unthinkable consequences, even for those of us who are opponents of the established economic system.
“It would be good for the World Trade Organisation to evaluate these risks and include among its so-called new subjects for discussion: what to do in case of another global economic crisis.”
“As long as the conflict persists, ETA will exist, and the conflict will end when the national rights of this (Basque) country are recognised”, Mr Arnaldo Ortegi of Herri Batasuna (HB) said.
His comments came three weeks after ETA declared an unlimited ceasefire, without offering to lay down arms or drop its goal of national sovereignty.
The largely symbolic bill was passed with support from Catalan President Jordi Pujol’s coalition, Convergéncia i Unió (Convergence and Union), a nominal ally of Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar in the Madrid Parliament.
The bill was sponsored by a Catalan party seeking independence for the wealthy, industrialised Northeast.
The tally was 75 in favour, 15 against and 39 abstentions. Among those voting against was Aznar’s centre-right Popular Party. The main opposition party, the Socialists, abstained.
A spokeswoman for Pojol’s coalition said the resolution did not actually call for Independence, but rather reaffirmed what she called Catalans’ right to decide if they want independence.
Leath chéad bliain ó shin, rinneadh an dearmad céanna agus is dá bharr sin a thug dream beag daoine faoi aitheantas a thabhairt ar an méid a rinneadh muintir Iorrais mí Lúnasa’ s Meán Fómhair 1798 i dTuaisceart Mhaigh Eo.
Níor theip ar mhuintir Iorrais an ghairm sin a fhreagairt. Bhí siad bocht, bhí siad lag, bhí siad gan airm, gan cleachtadh ach d’imigh 1,000 duine díobh í dtreo Chill Ala ar an toirt.
Ar shroichint an bhaile sin dóibh bhí Humbert bailithe leis ag déanamh ar Bhéal an Átha agus Caisleán a’ Bharraigh agus gan ach triúr oifigeach. Charost, Pouson agus Boudet fágtha aige chun aire a thabhairt don bhaile agus don 200 dílseoir a bhí ina gcónaí ann.
Ar scríobh a chuntais dó faoi na himeachtaí sin sa bhliain dár cionn, sé dúirt an tEaspag Stock, Easpag Eaglais na hÉireann: “not a single drop of blood was spilt by the Connacht rebels except on the field of war” agus arís tá sé le rá aige ag déanamh tagairt do na himeachtaí a tharla tar éis d’Arm Sasana teacht ar ais i seilbh an bhaile: “his Majesty’s troops were incomparably superior to the Irish traitors in dexerity at stealing.”
Agus ba mar sin chríochnaigh caibdil onórach ómósach mhuintir Iorrais in Éirí Amach 1798. Is ait le rá ach nach bhfuil aithne againn ar ainm éinne as Iorrais a bhí amuigh san Éirí Amach ach aon duine amháin - Feardia Ó Domhnaill. Fear óg thart ar 25 bliaina d’aois ab ea Feardia sa bhliain 1798.
Le linn na míosa sin i gCill Ala, bhí an Feardia seo go mór i súil na ndaoine ag coinnéil an dlí agus ag cosaint mhuintir an bhaile. Cé gur ghoill sé go mór ar an Easpag Stock a bheith faoi mhuinín ag a leithéid seo de “ghnáthduine”, bhí air a aithint a ndeireadh na dála go raibh éacht déanta ar a shon ag Ferdia agus i ndeireadh an scéil thug sé cuireadh Críostaithe do sa reilig Phrostastúnach i gCill Ala. Ós rud é go bhfuil a fhios againn gur rugadh an Domhnallach i bPoll ‘a tSómais agus go bhfuil sé curtha i gCill Ala bhí áit a thosaithe agus ceann scribe againn do chomóradh an dá chéid.
Tharla gur thit an comóradh ina dhá leath glan chomh maith le leac cuimhneacháin a ardú in ómós d’Fherdia agus dá bhuíon ar an láthair as a dtáinig siad agus ansin a n-imeachtaí a chomóradh tríd an mbealach a shill as Iorras go Cill Ala.
Tráthnóna deas aláinn a bhí ann agus muid ag fáil réidh don Aifreann ar 8.00 cé go raibh na míoltógaí ag cur as go dona don slua mór, thart ar 4.00 a bhí slua mór bailithe ag Teampall (reilig) Pholl a’ tSómais ar an láthair ar a rugadh Feardia Ó Domhnaill.
Do chuir Buíon Ceoil SN Dúmhach Thuama tús ceolmhar leis an Aifreann agus, ag tosnú dó, dúirt an tÁthair Déaglán nach raibh muid ag déanamh comórtha ar chogadh, sléacht ná ár ach go raibh muid ag smaoineamh siar ar ionraiceas agus dílseacht ár ndaoine a d’imigh romhainn agus go raibh sé de dhualgas orainne rud a dhéanamh orthusan sa lá áta inniu ann.
Ansin glaodh ar Sgéamas Mór Ó Mongáin chun an leacht a nochtadh. Do mhínigh an tAth Déaglán gur toghadh an Mongánach mar gurb é an t-aon duine é a bhí fagtha in Iorras a thug seal i ngéibhinn ar son na Poblachta agus ar son na Saoirse.
“Is mór is ónóir domsa an lia cuimhneacháin seo a nochtadh in urraim agus in ómós d’Fheardia Ó Domhnaill as Poll a’ tSómais agus do na fír óga as an bparóiste seo a chuaigh leis isteach go Cill Ala chun a gcion a dhéanamh ar son na dtíre, 200 bliain is an lá inniu, 22 Lúnasa 1798.”
Do bhuail an Bhuíon Ceoil “Ó Domhnaill Abú” agus roinnt fonn aerach eile sula ndeachaigh an slua i dtreo Theach Mhic Craith chun an oíche a chríochnú ar an mbealach traidisiúnta oiriúnach.
Ar 2PM bhí na bratacha agus gach rud faoi réim. Dúirt an reachtaire, an tÁthair Déaglán go raibh siad ag leancht cosa an dream a d’imigh romhainn ach go raibh sé níos tábhachtaí dúinn uilig a dtreoir sin a leancht inár saol le hionraiceas, díreacht agus ceart. Do ghuigh s’é beannacht Dé ar an slua agus ar aghaidh leo trí Mhuing na Bó. Sraith a’ tSeagail, Abhainn na nGiorrach. Glinse go dtí go dtáinig Béal Deirg i bhfeiscint dóibh.
Do thug an tÁthair Déaglán deichniúr den Phaidrín “ar son siúd a chuaigh soir is nár tháinig anoir”. Bhí na picéirí ar “chumas ómósach” dó sin. Bronnadh teastais agus boinn orthu siúd nach raibh ag fileadh lá arna bhárach agus scaipeadh an slua.
Bhí oíche mhór i d’Teach na nDochartach níos déanaí, áit ar bronnadh a gcuid teastas agus bonn ar ochtar Francach a shiúil as Béal Deirg go Céide. Dé Luain, an 24 Lúnasa, lá álainn grianmhar, slua beag ag bailiú go leiscúil ag Achaidh Chéide. Seacht nduine dhéag ón lá roimh ré a raibh an chéad leath déanta go hiomlán acu agus thart ar scór eile lena gcos.
Ar 2pm, bhí siad ar an mbóthar. 3pm bhí mórshiúl galánta Ann trí Bhaile a’ Chaisil agus sos gearr. 6pm agus bhailigh na trúpaí le chéile ag Droichead Bhaile Phalmair, áit ar thug Astrid Ní Mhongáin “Fír an Iarthair” uaithi go gleoite. Anseo bhí dream de chuid CLG. Ghleann na Muaidhe ag fanacht chun an chuid deiridh a shiúl.
6.30pm Cill Ala. Ag an bpointe seo, chuaigh an tÁthair Déaglán ar cheann an tslua chun iad a threorú tríd an bhaile, cé go raibh sé ag dul ar mhaidí croise. Do thug sé cuireadh don Déan Ted Ardis siúl leis. Ar shroicint gheata na hArd-Eaglaise de chuid Eaglais na hÉireann dóibh, tugadh anuas na bratacha roimh dul isteach sa reilig, áit a bhfuil Feardia Ó Domhnaill curtha.
Taobh istigh, rinne an Déan paidir ar a son siúd uilig a cailleadh i gCath Chill Ala agus, ag cur fáilte roimh lucht cuimhneacháin Iorrais dó, dúirt sé gur mhór an rud é gur oibrigh an tEaspag Stock agus Ferdia Ó Domhnaill chomh maith sin le chéile chun nach dtarlódh aon sléacht ná ionsaí seicteach sa mbaile.
Dúirt sé arís gubr é dualgas an lae atá inniu ann foghlaim ó na daoineláidre sin agus a gcuid aidhmeanna a chur i bhfeidhm inár saol anois.
Is é an tuairim a bhí ag gach éinne ná gur rinneadh Feardia Ó Domhnaill agus muintir Iorrais 1798 a chomóradh go hómósach, go héifeachtúil agus mar ba chóir. Seo iad a leanas an seacht nduine dhéag a shiúil Turas na Laoch as Muinh na Bó go Cill Ala, 23-24 Lúnasa, 1998.
Mary Ward of Burtonport, Vice-President of Republican Sinn Féin chaired the proceedings and Mick McManus of Fermanagh spoke on the 1798 Rising. A laurel wreath was laid at the Napper Tandy Memorial by Cormac MacElhinney of Na Fianna Éireann.
Mary Ward began by giving a brief historical outline of General James ‘Napper’ Tandy who landed near Burtonport with an expeditionary force of 270 French Volunteers on September 16, 1798.
Napper Tandy was a humorist, soldier and politican. While a member of Dublin City Council he had campaigned for Catholic Emancipation though he himself was a Protestant.
This was not unusual in that age of enlightenment following the French revolution. Napper Tandy was a member of the United Irishmen, a group comprising Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter.
Napper Tandy, she said, had marched on Grattan’s Parliament. He placed a sign on an Irish Volunteer’s cannon which said more about the man than she could. The sign said; ‘Thou O Lord will open our lips and our mouth shall show forth thy praise!”
“Upon hearing of the Rising in Ireland he gathered together an expeditionary force and headed for Ireland aboard the Anacreon landing at Rutland Island, he made his way to Burtonport on September 26.
“The local postmaster having informed him that General Humbert and his forces had been defeated at the battle of Ballinamuck on September 8 he decided withdrawal was the only option.
“After a dangerous journey by way of Norway he arrived at the port of Hamburg. Here the British demanded his extradition and the authorities agreed. It is believed this is the first judicial extradition of an Irishman to the English that is recorded.
“Napper Tandy was sentenced to death at Lifford Courthouse in 1801. However, fate intervened. Napoleon was negotiating the Amiens Treaty in 1802 and demanded at the last moment that Napper Tandy be released as a precondition of signing. After two weeks the British relented. Napper Tandy was released, received a hero’s welcome at Bordeaux and a state pension from the French government. He died 18 months later a free man,” she said.
In the course of his oration Mick McManus of Fermanagh said: “1798 was a watershed in Irish history. For the first time since the battle of Kinsale Irishmen had united under one banner in an attempt to destroy British rule in Ireland.
“In many ways it was a close run thing. The defeat at Vinegar Hill in Wexford meant that Britain realised their attempt to ‘tame’ Ireland by giving them their own puppet parliament was useless.
“The Act of Union in 1801 was Britain’s clear acceptance that Ireland would have to be directly controlled by a British parliament at Westminster and this rule enforced by its millitary garrisons.” Napper Tandy, he said, could have partaken in that puppet assembly “Grattan’s Parliament”.
Mick McManus continued: “He did not and would not. The United Irishmen realised the futility of constitutional politics at that time. Today with a new parliament being formed at Stormont I have no doubt they would view it similarly. Democratic politics and peace in Ireland can only be brought about in the absence of the British Government .”
He asked those present on this the 200th anniversary of the 1798 Rising to re-dedicate themselves to bring about an Ireland where Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter could live in true harmony and peace without outside interference.
![]() Web layout by SAOIRSE -- Irish Freedom October 31, 1998 Send links, events notifications, articles, comments etc, to the editor at: saoirse@iol.ie marked "attention web-editor". |