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Isn't it time
You stepped
back to the

Start by
harnessing the
power of the Internet

Be a part of the
Explosive Electronic
Marketing that's sweeping the World.

Internet, Usenet, E-Mail and Computer Bulletin Boards (BBS) - These Powerful Tools Are Already Making Countless People Very Very Rich.


Dear Friend:

We're in the middle of an electronic revolution, you may call it information explosion and it's touching nearly everyone. Nothing like this has ever happened before, no other technological advance has brought such an immense change.

I'm talking about the Internet and it's vast network of computer bulletin boards, the Usenet and it's thousands of discussion groups known as newsgroups, the commercial networks such  as America On-Line, and the all powerful e-mail. Computers and communications technologies are changing the face of the world, they are changing the way we live, we think, we work and the way we do business.

But in this information explosion there's a great marketing opportunity for an enterprising businessman. An opportunity of a lifetime, an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a new wave of electronic marketing. Like many such opportunities this may not remain available for long, as new developments take place at the speed of light in cyberspace

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Free Report #1. 
Sex Sites Are Not The Only Ones
That Can Pull In
$1,000 to $5000 a Week
Using The Power
Of Instant Access!


Money, Freedom, Respect

Do You Have All The Above?


Do you want to start your own business at home.. who doesn't?


These are being started at an explosive rate of over 500 a month. home-based businesses are more than just a fad or a trend, it's a genuine economic revolution. The challenge lies in finding the reliable information, resources and guidance to help you succeed.

He who aims at the moon may hit the top of a tree;
he who aims at the top of a tree is unlikely to get off the

Here you will find some of the best online business opportunities, shopping malls, and free information bar none. All these programs have been fully checked and verified by us. More programs will be added as we review them, if you know of any that may be worthy of inclusion on this site please email us the address we would love to hear from you.

You and I have been given the gifts of life,
but it's up to us to decide if we are going to use
God's Laws to create and to prosper.

We also provide a web site development service for those of you that do not have the time or the expertise to build one for yourself. Some of our work has been provided for you to preview below to help you decide for yourself  how much we can help you and your company to achieve it's goals. Please remember to bookmark us before following any of the links provided on this page.

TsarTours   This company provides quality holidays and business trips to Russia.

Florials        This company manufactures hand made antiqued floral cameos.

HolHealth    This company provides stress management through natural healing.

For your benefit we have provided a free for all links page to this site you can add anything you like personal or business orientated except adult, bestiality, racist or sites that degrade children, if they are found they will be deleted and take note we will be checking each site for it's content.

Beware of little expenses:
a small leak will sink a great ship.


Free Report #2.
How To Increase Your Profits '15 Times' by Knowing
The Secret Of Headlines and the Role
They Play
on the Internet!


Self Employment Wealth & Success

Is It For You?


Contrary to popular opinion you don't need vast amounts of cash or business experience to set up on your own.


whtmoney_wave_w.gif (24754 bytes)The biggest mistake you can make when starting your own business is to think all you need is money.Creating your own financial freedom is not simple - or easy, it is not simply a matter of having enough money. There are more important aspects to business success than your capital!

This special article outlines the seven most important considerations when starting a new business, if you apply these secrets in your own business, you will experience greater success and a higher income.

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Are You Under Pressure In A Dead End Job?


1. Enjoy Your Work

This really is the most vital key to ensuring your success. You must get fun out of your work, especially when you are in a self employment capacity. Hard work is the quickest route to great wealth - but hard work must not be a drag. The majority of 'days off' are caused not by genuine illness but by stress or boredom, of the job.


2. Set Your Goals

You need a goal to know what you are aiming for in your business. An important point here is to set an achievable goal. When you start your new business, set yourself a short term goal - one that won't take years to achieve. This is much more important than you may realize. Goals are related to success.


3. Don't Be A Do-Nothing

Don't make the mistake of putting off until the next day, or avoiding jobs you don't like doing. You should establish what jobs have to be done on a particular day, which are the important jobs, ensure that these jobs are done first, before the others. When you start putting jobs off, they tend never to get done, or they have to be rushed through at the last minute, resulting in a below standard job. 



4. Keep Your Finger
    On The Vital Signs

The first three months of your business are likely to be the most crucial. During this time you will be adapting to new techniques and methods that you have never done before. There is always a tendency during this period to consider your book-keeping as something that will be done when you've got the business on it's feet. You may think you have more important things to do - like running a business. It is, however very important that you resist these thoughts, and always keep on top of your book-keeping. 


5. Get The Right Advice

This does not refer to  professional advice from people like accountants and solicitors - it is obvious that you need that. In this case it refers to feedback from others in relation to your product or service. You can have too little advice - and you can also have too much. However much advice you get, make sure it's the right advice. In other words, make sure that the advice you get has been given by those qualified to give it. You need advice as a sounding board for your ideas, and to give you a fresh perspective on things.


6. Show Your Integrity

This is vital from the word go. If you say you will do something - make sure you do it. And make sure you do it when you said you would, and for the price you quoted. You must show people you are true to your word. As soon as they see you are a man or woman of your word, they will come back to you, and will recommend you to others. Integrity is the lifeblood of a good business. Good old fashioned reliability is a virtue well worth demonstrating. 


7. Be On Your Toes

Don't get complacent when you start to do well. The keyword is adapt at will. You must be alert to all new developments in your line of business, and be ready to adopt any new ideas that will enhance your profits. Don't think you know everything and don't get so wrapped up in your own business that you don't know what your competition is doing. You may wake up one morning to find your competitors have left you behind.

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Or Are You Enjoying Financial Freedom And Seeing Your Sales Go Through The Roof?


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Write down this ID#: NC2643


Click Here for More Information


Disclaimer: This Site Is Published For Information Purposes Only! The owner of this site nor anyone associated with it cannot be held responsible for your use or misuse of the information or programs in this site.

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