"How To Increase Your Profits '15 Times' by Knowing The Secret Of Headlines and the Role They Play on the Internet!" Dear Subscriber, I know for a fact that you can increase your web or e-mail profits 5, 10 even 15 times just by concentrating on creating "Throat Grabbing, Desire Creating Titles and Headlines!" What is the #1 most critical element in your marketing on the Internet? It is your: "Headlines" Think about it! When people read your subject line in your e-mail messages- They Are Reading A HEADLINE! When people read your newsgroup posting- It Is Your 'HEADLINE' That Must Make Them Want To See More! If they don't get past the headline - it doesn't make any difference what your message says - it won't be read! When the title of your web page comes up in a search engine list- Is It A Powerful - Grabbing 'HEADLINE ' ? Or I should say... 'A Benefit Packed Headline!' ? It had better be! Or you will lose out to the stronger, more exciting! Almost everthing you do to advertise on the net depends on someonereading and then clicking on your headline FIRST... 'everything' starts with the headline! Create Them With Power, Passion, Excitement, Drama and Benefits! A simple change in a headline can increase response up to 1500% and More! ** 15 times more profit just for making a little ** ** change in the headline! ** Give much thought to this because the power of headlines will make or break you on the Internet! --------------- A Powerful and Profitable Secret Can Be Learned From Amazon.com and Others Like Them --------------- I call it "Plugin Profit-Makers" for website owners! The idea is this, get other websites to host your 'pre-made', Already Proven, Direct Response Web Site On 'Their' Server, they make a commission on every order taken from their website! All they do is create a directory for your pages, load your pages up, then create a link from one of their main pages to your pages and they begin profiting from every sale! You 'Must' have a small, self-contained, 3 to 4 page direct response web site that is 'Already Proven' to make sales! Simply customize each order form to provide a keyword so you will know which site the order came from! This Works! There are hundreds of thousands of web sites that would gladly accept another 'plugin-in' form of profit! All you have to do is e-mail every webmaster personally with an offer. Offer some proof the 'plugin-website' makes money! Contact as many as you can - You will find those that will gladly take you up on your offer! Imagine 1000 sites hosting your Direct 'Response Money-Maker'! If you're selling a $25 dollar report and making a profit of only $12 after commissions and each site sold only 5 reports per month, you would be pulling in $60,000 Every Month! This example may be a little wild but I'm sure you get the point. That's the power of 'a little money' -from- 'a lot of places'! Killer eh? ---------------------- UPDATE: If you would like to see how I'm using a version of this strategy to make from $200 to $1000 a day go to... http://www.warriorsecrets.com/cgi-bin/warriors.cgi?orion You will also be able to pick up some free reports!! Thank you for reading, Allen Says The Warriors! Copyright 1998 Allen Says