Sex Sites Are Not The Only Ones That Can Pull In $1,000 to $5000 a Week Using The Power Of Instant Access! by Allen Says Ok...the full scoop... I discovered it... The ultimate secret to creating a real money-machine on the Internet! A Money-Machine That Can Not Be Stopped!! A money machine that, once you get it started, will continue to advertise itself without you doing anything more. After I discovered this strategy hundreds of ideas started pouring into my mind. The possibilities are excitingly unlimited. It still amazes me to this day how many have not caught onto this way of doing business. So what is this secret Allen? Ok...this is it, in 2 parts... First: The Products I Sell Can Be Downloaded or Accessed By The Buyer Online - The Same Day He or She Orders!! Instant Access!! It Turns Browsers Into Buyers! Second: I Accept Dealers For The Products I Sell!! (Webmasters with banners on their site...etc) Although the major reason sex sites make a lot of money in the first place is because the word 'sex' is the #1 most searched for word on the Internet. Strange but true. The next major reason why they make so much money is because their product can be instantly accessed!! This concept takes advantage of a habit of human nature we are almost all guilty of.... The desire to Have It Now - better known as Immediate Gratification! Think about it, if you really want something, what would you rather do - wait 3 weeks for it to arrive in the mail or buy it online and get it all the same day? Sometimes just seconds later! The simple fact that your customer will get it now can increase your sales by 100 times - It is absolutely irresistible! It's making the sites of those who use this strategy explode with sales of $200 to $1000 a day and even more!! Do you have a report, book, cd or software product that can be downloaded online? If so you have the makings of an incredible money -maker. All you need to do is make it available for download - create a super hot page packed with the benefits of your product and you will sell ten times more than with anything you have to mail!! Now, the second part... There are literally hundreds of thousands of web sites out there who are looking for referral deals so they can make their pages more profitable. What is a referral deal? Very simple, the web site owner places a banner or report of yours on their web site...when people read your report or click on your banner and order - the web site owner get's a commission for the order coming from their web site! (In the Warrior Site I have a report that explains how to get your site setup with our scripts to accept dealers. These scripts will automatically notify your dealers by email when an order is placed with their code# and total commmissions each week or month with the click of a button. This will save you from spending the hundreds or even thousands on scripts as I have!) Most of the people on the net that want to make money DO NOT want to go through the effort of creating their own product. They are more than happy to make money from other people's programs that are already set up. Now...let's say you've got it all set does it grow on it's own? Again, very simple. As people come to order from other sites they will see that you offer commissions if they will put your banner on their site. I really had no idea exactly how many would take me up on it when I decided to do this. However, I was shocked to discover a never ending supply of people wanting to make money like this with their sites. My own site has continued to grow exactly like I've told you here. As of now I have over 8000 Warrior members. I have room for 100,000 more and I will get them! I don't worry about competition. That's something else I learned, there are millions of buyers on the net today with tons more coming on every minute. If you really want to make money on the internet, and don't want to become a porno king or queen to do it, Join the Warrior Group Today!! You will find the sources you need to get set up fast. From scripts to immediate merchant accounts so you can accept credit cards online. You can even create your own product. Easily put together your own hot selling report out of the information packed into my site. Join us have a full year to decide whether it was worth it or not. Not only that, if you don't have the time or desire to create your own product, you have the opportunity to immediately start making money just by hosting our banners or reports on your site or by sending our reports to those who request them from you. You can take part in my exact strategy for making 'a little money from a lot of places' and experience for yourself what it's like having 100 web sites working for you making you $10 profit every time one of them sells a membership!! The true potential is unreal!! Thank you for reading! Allen Says The Warriors! More Free Reports at: Copyright 1998 by Allen Says