Celtic Worship
Home Celtic Worship 'Exposed' Audio 'Fireland' Audio Lyrics


A Brief Introduction to the Celtic Style of Worship.

Over the last number of years God has been stirring the depths of our hearts through Celtic music.  This new sound has swept the world and set our feet a dancing.  I believe that God has also given a new sound to the church.  This sound is inspirational and deep.  It produces a real desire to worship and dance before the Lord.
This new sound is introducing a new depth and a new freedom into our worship.  New instruments often thought to be only used in a secular setting are now coming into the church and releasing a new power and dynamic of the Holy Spirit.
Dancing often in the past was associated also with the world but now a fresh wave of Holy Spirit anointed dancing and shouting is sweeping the church.  people are moving from the pew into a more demonstrative mode of worship.  From the very youngest to the oldest church member Celtic worship means freedom to enjoy God's awesome presence.
Celtic worship also is a battle cry.  It enables a new shout to come forward from the mouths of God's people.  A new shout of freedom is arising within our hearts and Celtic worship allows us to shout it out.
Celtic worship allows us to introduce Holy demonstrative acts.  These acts are not the rituals dead or otherwise of the past but living demonstrations of God's living presence in our midst.  Flags and sticks can be used in intercession to provoke the enemy and to drive him out.


Open our hearts LORD to be free in your presence.