Biblepraying hands
Bible, Prayer and Homiletic Resources

Welcome In this site Fr Tommy Lane, LSS, DD, Curate (Assistant Pastor) in Rathcormac Parish, Diocese of Cloyne, (Co. Cork) Ireland, offers you Bible, Prayer and Homiletic Resources. Each winter I usually teach a Scripture Course to adults in two venues in the Diocese covering one third of the Bible. The course runs for twenty weeks, one night per week. You can read a course outline and samples of the course in The Scripture Course. A highlight of the course each night is 20 minutes of prayer using the Bible. These guided biblical meditations proved so popular that many course participants asked to have some of them recorded. You can listen to samples and read more in Praying the Bible. During the winter of '99-'00 I am teaching new courses in Mallow and Macroom. You can read about my work in Promoting the Sacred Scriptures. The Archive of Homilies may be of interest to preachers and the Archive of Stories to preachers and teachers. The page of Links contains useful links to many sites on the Catholic Church, Prayer and Spirituality, and Biblical Studies. Since this site is no longer being updated all the links on this page take you to my new website at  Please pray for me and my ministry. Thank you very much.

Fr Tommy


Praying the Bible

The Scripture Course

Archive of Homilies

Archive of Stories

Links to the Catholic Church, Prayer and Spirituality, Gospel Meditations, Biblical Studies