About Futurekids

`Futurekids pioneered the field of computer  education for children. Our programs work because we combine highly trained teachers, small classes and an internationlly acclaimed technology curriculum that takes students on educationa; journey`s that they won't forget. 
the Futurekids approach ensures that all students, benginners as well as computer Whizzkids gain the skills nedded to excel in school and the workplace of tomorrow.

  Weekly Classes

With small class size and state of the art echnology, students complete projects associated with Futrekids Frontier theme, recieving the most comprehensive technology education training available anywhere.
Classes start in Septembr and run the whole way through the school year until June 2000
With small class sizes and state of the art technology students complete projects associated with the Futrekids frontiers theme whilst at the same time receiving the most comprehensive technology education available.