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To get to Annaghvaan take the R336 from Galway, at Casla (Costello), turn right for Bealdaingean. Five hundred metres after you pass the Hooker Bar, turn right, and after approximately one kilometre, turn left down a narrow road to the harbour (marked X below). This is a working harbour so do not cause an obstruction. This area is sheltered from almost all directions, and is divable in all but the worst of weather conditions. You need about half a tide to retrieve boats on the slip.

The Dives
1. Yellow Rock. 
This dive can be done from a boat or from the shore. On the SW side of the rock, there is a drop-off from a few metres to almost forty metres. This rises gradually as you head towards the harbour.


2. Gurraig Sound

This is an enjoyable drift dive. Drop in at either end depending on the direction of the tide. You can drift along the stoney bottom (15-20m) at a fair old rate. If you keep into the wall (north side), you can avoid most of the current.


3. East of Grey Rock

Just east of the point 100 metres east of Grey Rock, there is a lovely area for mid range diving. Here the shore drops vertically to 27/28 metres. There?s usually lots to see at various levels on the wall.


4. Grey Rock.

You can safely anchor or tie the boat at Grey Rock. There is 4/5 metres of water here. If you head south for about 100 metres, the bottom suddenly drops off almost vertically to about 38 metres. The wall here has an abundance of life including conger, lobster, crabs etc. This is also a great place for those interested in smaller species, such as nudibranches and various types of coral. The further west you go the deeper this drop-off gets, to a maximum of 50 metres.


5. Picnic Island.?

This is the little island on the SW corner of Inistreabhair, using the island as a base, all the above site are available using boats. There is also  some good shore diving on the south and south east of  this island.