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Kilkee Co. Clare
Kilkee is just under two hours drive from Galway, about eight miles north of Loop Head. There are many top class dive sites here within easy reach of the harbour. The shoreline is rugged, and the water is usually very clear. Depths in excess of 40m are easily attained. A few of the dives are described below, but there are many more available.
The Dives:
1. Diamond Rocks 
On the southern side of Moore Bay, Kilkee are 'The Diamond Rocks'. From the land side these can be accessed by footpath from the car park near 'The Pollack Holes'. The name comes from the quartz in the rocks, which glisten in the sunshine. This dive is normally accessed by boat and is located between Intrinsic Bay and Duggerna Rock. There is a reef about 7-9m deep, which protects a deep, narrow gorge about 30m deep between the reef and the shore.  There is usually an abundance of life in the gorge, as it is fairly inaccessible to fishermen etc. Also the visibility is usually very good. The key to finding the gorge is to enter the water very close to the shore, hence you need very calm conditions. It's best to start at the northern end and follow the gorge,  picking whatever depth that suits you, all the way to the end,  which opens out into Intrinsic Bay. Out side the reef the bottom falls away to 40m plus. Avoid this dive in any but the best of conditions. This is a fair weather dive only.
2. The Black Rocks 
Just at the mouth of Moore Bay (Kilkee), there is a group of rocks known as the Black Rocks (Inner Rk., Middle Rk. and Outer Rk.)
3. Middle Rock
This is probably the best dive in Kilkee. It get's covered by the tide so it maybe a little difficult to find above half tide. The scenery is superb on three of the four sides with steep drop-off's. 40M is possible on the western side. The are many rock features and ledges teeming with life. Visibility here is usually very good. It's best to start at the southern side,  gradually working your way north, and then east. 
4. Outer Rock 
Not far outside Middle Rk lies Outer Rk. Like Middle Rock  this is covered  by high tide but can be found by the white water breaking over it. This is a fair weather dive, and there is always a danger of swell. Similar to Middle Rk., there are deep drop-offs with amazing scenery down to about 37M and then sloping off deeper.  This is a fair weather dive only.
5. Illaunabaha
Just north of George's Hd. There is a headland called Illaunabaha. It's more sheltered than the above dives but is still quite exposed to anything from the west. A nice scenic dive with depths of 25M/30M.
6. Biraghty Mór
About 1km North of Kilkee Bay this island is worth a visit. With a sheer face on the landward side and sloped on the sea face it is sheltered from the Westerly swells. It has a rock bottom on a sheer face varying from 25m to 35+m with the ground away from the rock very deep. The plant and fish life is excellent. The shelter of the rock allows diving inside a large cave at it's SW corner.