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This information came directly from Joshua Neal.

Location: Riverside, Texas


Joshua Brown: Leatherface
Lindsey Baron: Leslie Finch
Sandra Everett: Kate
Joshua Neal: Vilmer (not played by the character who originally played
vilmer in part4 but, it seems to be working out really well)

Leatherface wears five masks.
Hunting Mask - resembles the first mask on the first TCM
Cooking Mask - Sections of different ethnic origin, sewed all over.
Dinner Mask -  Beautifuls woman's stretched out face, with a bullet hole
between the eyes.
Barnhouse Mask - Half Old Woman, Half young Man
Vilmer's Mask - Face cut from a man with a tatooed face.

It brings back the feel of the first one, raw gritty, and terrifying.

It takes place in the dead of winter.

Budget: $100,000

Shot on 16mm, souly for effect.

Official release date is hazy because of the fact that:
The movie is too disturbing

Depending on which version you watch:

nc-17 version: 95 minutes

R version: 78 minutes

Not Rated Version: 109 minutes

Let's just say it will have the same effect TCM 1 did in the seventies,
in the nineties, or in the hundreds'.